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Table 3: Effect of DADS, at various concentrations, on
                                                              percent inhibition of EAC-cell viability in vitro
                                                              Compound     Percentage of inhibition of cell viability (μg/mL)
                                                                           0    6.25    12.5   25     50    100
                                                              DADS         0    16.5    35     70     90    100
                                                              IC50: 19.500 μg/mL. EAC: Ehrlich ascites carcinoma; DADS: diallyl disulfi de

                                                              cytotoxicity effects of DADS against EAC in vivo and in vitro. In
                                                              addition, the apoptogenic effects of this agent were assessed
                                                              by investigating the histological changes and measuring
                                                              some apoptotic and anti-apoptotic mediators by imaging and
                                                              semi-quantitative analysis of immunohistochemically stained
                                                              sections of EAC-cells.

                                                              The current in vivo study revealed that DADS has a potential
                                                              antiproliferative and cytotoxicity effect against EAC
                                                              (a transplantable neoplasia from a malignant epithelium that
                                                              corresponds to mammary adenocarcinoma) in EAC-bearing
                                                              female mice. [14,21]  This activity was confirmed by a significant
                                                              decrease in EAC-aliquot volume and total and alive EAC-cell
                                                              number, and a tremendous increase in dead EAC-cell
                                                              count and percent as a result of treatment with DADS in
                                                              comparison to a vehicle. The anti-tumor cytotoxicity of DADS
                                                              was associated with an improved survival and increased
                                                              the life span of EAC-bearing mice. The plasma and Ehrlich
                                                              ascites tumor marker, sialic acid, was significantly decreased
                                                              in EAC-bearing mice treated with DADS as compared
           b                                                  to EAC-bearing control mice. These in vivo results were
                                                              supported by in vitro study which indicated that DADS induced
                                                              unexpected anti-proliferative and anti-tumor cytotoxicity
                                                              effects against EAC-cells.

                                                              In concurrence with the present results, the sialic acid, the
                                                              component of glycoproteins and glycolipids that constitute
                                                              the cell surface, was reported to be shed or secreted by tumor
                                                              cells leading to its increased level in blood of humans with
                                                              cancer and in animal cancer models.  The sialic acid level
                                                              in serum and plasma was reportedly decreased in C57BL/6
                                                              mice lung metastasis of B16F-10 melanoma cells  and in
                                                              alloxan diabetic rats,  respectively. The anti-proliferative
                                                              and apoptotic effects of DADS derived from Allium sativum
                                                              in different carcinomas both in vivo and in vitro were also
           c                                                  elucidated by various authors. [25-27]
          Figure 4: Data of image analysis of immunohistochemically stained EAC-sections
          showing (a) area in pixels, (b) percent area, and (c) the intensity of yellowish brown   The histological findings of this study indicated that many
          color of immunoreactive Bcl-2, p53 and TdT. EAC: Ehrlich ascites carcinoma;
          DADS: diallyl disulfi de; TdT: terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase  cells seemed apoptotic, after treatment with DADS, as they
                                                              were shrunk and had blebbing plasma membrane, apoptotic
          DISCUSSION                                          bodies and fragmenting nuclei which are considered as
                                                              phenotypical or morphological signs of apoptosis.  In
          The goal of cancer chemoprevention is to slow, to block   addition to these histological results, immunohistochemical
          or to reverse the process of carcinogenesis. With regard to   results depicted that the expression of Bcl-2 working
          this principle, the study is a trial to evaluate the anti-tumor   primarily by blocking apoptotic pathway,  was noticeably

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