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most sites.  Moreover, many publications attributed the  Sampling and detection of EAC-volume and cell number
          anti-carcinogenic properties  of garlic  principally  to allyl  At the end of the experimental period, animals were
          sulfides, among them DADS, which was shown to suppress  sacrificed under diethyl ether anesthesia and 0.2 mL saline
          growth and facilitate the death of different tumor cells. [2,6-10]  was intraperitoneally injected. One minute later, EAC-aliquot
                                                              was aspirated by a sterile syringe into a test tube. The volume
          This  study  was designed to assess the anti-proliferative  of EAC-fluid for each mouse was measured. The number of
          and  anti-tumor  cytotoxic  efficacies  against  Ehrlich  alive and dead EAC-cells were determined using trypan blue
          ascites carcinoma  (EAC) (which corresponds to mammary  exclusion assay.  Alive and dead EAC-cells were counted by
          adenocarcinoma  in  female  mice)  in  vivo and  in  vitro.  In  Neubauer hemocytometer. Briefly, 40 μL of EAC-aliquot was
          addition, the apoptogenic effect of DADS was assessed via  added to 4 mL 2% trypan blue (dissolved in 0.9% saline) and
          following the changes in the anti-apoptotic protein, Bcl-2  the mixture was left for 5 min. One drop from the mixture
          and apoptotic markers, p53 and terminal deoxynucleotidyl  was taken on Neubauer hemocytometer and the number of
          transferase (TdT) by immunohistochemical methods, imaging  stained cells (dead cells) and nonstained cells (viable or alive
          and semi-quantitative analysis. The experimental study was
          approved by review board of Beni-Suef University.   cells) were counted. Total number of EAC-cells and percent
                                                              of dead EAC-cells were calculated for each EAC-bearing
                                                              mouse. This procedure was adopted from the methods
                                                              of Freitas et al.  and Chandru et al. [15]
          Tested agent (DADS)
          DADS  (C H S )  was  obtained  from  Fluka  Chemie  Blood samples were obtained from carotid artery of each
                  6  10  2
          GmbH,  Buchs,  Switzerland  (lot  and  filling  code  mouse into ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (15%)-containing

          427432/1  55004115).  DADS  was  dissolved  in   dimethyl  tubes under mild diethyl ether anesthesia and were centrifuged
          sulfoxide (DMSO) for in vivo and in vitro studies and was  at 3,000 g for 15 min. The plasma was aspirated into Eppendorf
          administered  orally  by  gastric  gavage  at  dose  level  of  tubes and kept in deep freezer at -30 °C until used for plasma
          100  mg/kg  body  weight  (b.w.)/day [11]   for  2  weeks.  Its  sialic acid determination. One milliliter of EAC fluid from
          structure  is  CH =CH-CH -S-S-CH -CH=CH   as  indicated  each mouse was homogenized in 2 mL saline (0.9% NaCl)
          in the previous publication. [12]                   and centrifuged at 3,000 g for 15 min. The supernatant was
                                                              aspirated into Eppendorf tubes and kept in deep freezer
          Animals and EAC-bearing model                       at -30 °C until used for ascites sialic acid determination.
          Normal  albino  mice  were  obtained  from  Animal  House,
          Institute of Ophthalmology, Giza, Egypt. EAC-bearing stock  Part of EAC-aliquot from each tumor-bearing mouse was
          mice  were  obtained  from  Cancer  Biology  Department,  centrifuged at 3,000 g for 15 min and the precipitated
          National  Cancer  Institute,  Cairo  University,  Egypt.  To  EAC-cells were fixed in neutral buffered formalin for
          induce EAC in mice for the experimental study, 0.2 mL EAC  histological and immunohistochemical studies.
          aliquot  aspirated  from  stock  mice was  added  to 9.8  mL
          saline (dilution is 1:50) and 0.2 mL of this diluted EAC was  Determination of plasma and ascites sialic acid
          intraperitoneally administered by syringe into each mice.  concentration
                                                              Plasma and ascites sialic acid level was determined
          Animal grouping                                     according to the method of Warren.  In this method,
          The EAC-injected mice were divided into two groups each
          containing 12 animals. Mice in group 1 (control group) were  sialic acid is oxidized into formylpyruvic acid which reacts
          administered 10% DMSO as a vehicle in a volume equivalent  with thiobarbituric acid to form a pink color product. The
          to that given to treated animals. Group 2 was treated with  color intensity measured at 549 nm is proportional to the
          DADS, dissolved in 10% DMSO, at a dose of 100 mg/kg b.w.  concentration of sialic acid in the sample.
          The treatments were orally applied by  gastric intubation
          between 10 and 12 AM daily for 2 weeks beginning from the  Histological and immunohistochemical investigations
          1st day of EAC-intraperitoneal inoculation.         The fixed samples were transferred to the Department
                                                              of Pathology, National Cancer Institute for processing,
          Animal survival                                     blocking, sectioning and staining with hematoxylin and
          The number of animals survived in each group was determined  eosin or mounting on positive slides for immunhistochemical
          at the end of the experiment and the survival percent in each  investigations. Sections mounted onto positive-charged
          group was calculated as follows: survival percent = (number  slides (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA, USA) were used to
          of survived animals/total number of animals) ×100.  detect the Bcl-2 and p53 reactivity or apoptotic cells using

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