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INTRODUCTION acyl-derivatives. Other principal components are essential oils
such as terpenoids, α-bisabolol and its oxides, and azulenes
Hepatotoxicants, including viruses, fungal products, bacterial including chalmuzene and acetylene derivatives. [13]
metabolites, minerals, environmental pollutants, and
chemotherapeutic agents, can induce various disorders of the Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.), a plant belonging to the family
organ. Azathioprine (AZA) is a common immunosuppressant Apiaceae, has a long history of herbal uses. Fennel seeds are
drug used in medicine to treat different diseases. It is now used as analgesic, carminative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic,
widely used in oncology, dermatology, gastroenterology, and and antispasmodic agents. The antioxidant potential and
rheumatology for its anti-leukemic and immunosuppressive antimicrobial activity of fennel seed extracts and essential
properties. AZA (6-(1-methyl-4-nitroimidazol-5-yl) oil have been reported. [14,15] Fennel seeds methanolic extract
thiopurine) is also used for the prevention of rejection contains (FSMEs) high amount of polyphenols, including
in organ transplants and the treatment of auto-immune flavonoids as a major component of polyphenols, gallic
diseases. It is indicated as an adjunct for the prevention of acid, caffeic acid, ellagic acid, quercetin, and kaempferol.
rejection in the renal transplantations. AZA is also used in Trans-anethole, fenchone, estragole, 4-terpineol, sabinene,
the prevention of rejection in cardiac, hepatic, and pancreatic alpha-terpinene and monoterpene hydrocarbons (limonene)
transplantations. [5,6] as the major compounds, were identified in the essential oil. [17]
The therapeutic use of AZA is associated with many The present study was undertaken to elucidate the ability of
complications. It induces a range of toxic effects that oral chamomile flowers methanolic extract (CFME) and FSME
may ultimately result in the discontinuation of treatment. to alleviate the adverse effects of AZA on the liver through
These toxic effects include gastrointestinal disturbances, biochemical and histological examinations in albino rats.
pancreatitis, reversible alopecia, rashes, fever, tachycardia,
pneumonitis, hypotension, and renal dysfunction. Many METHODS
studies have frequently reported the hepatotoxicity of
AZA in vitro and in vivo. Many of these studies related the Experimental animals
mechanism of hepatotoxicity and liver injury to the oxidative Male albino rats (Sprague-Dawley strains) weighing
stress. AZA toxicity to rat hepatocytes in vitro and the 150-200 g were used in this study. They were obtained from
mechanism of AZA toxicity to hepatocytes and decreasing the animal house of National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt
its viability involves the depletion of glutathione (GSH) and acclimatized for 1 week prior to the experiment. Animals
leading to mitochondrial injury with profound depletion were housed in stainless steel cages at room temperature
of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and cell death by necrosis (20-25 °C) and a photoperiod of 12 h light-dark cycle. Animals
were reported. [8,9] were allowed free standard laboratory diet and drinking tap
water ad libitum. This experimental study was approved by
Plants rich in natural polyphenolic compounds were review board of National Research Centre.
intensely studied in recent years due to their potent Chemicals
anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory AZA B.P uncoated tablets 50 mg manufactured by RPG Life
properties. Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) is one of the Sciences Ltd., Ceat Mahal, 463, Dr. A B Road, Worli, Mumbai:
most widely used medicinal plants in the world. Aqueous 400 025, India. Methyl alcohol (98%) was obtained from
chamomile extract is used as herbal medicine, in the form El-Nasr Pharmaceutical Chemicals Co., “ADWIC” (Egypt).
of tea, demonstrated to possess anti-inflammatory and Perchloric acid and trichloroacetic acid (extra pure 99%)
antioxidant properties. [10] Chamomile preparations are were manufactured by SISCO Research Laboratories PVT
commonly used for many human ailments such as hay fever, LTD (Mumbai, India). Thiobarbituric acid was purchased from
muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, MERCK (Darmstadt, Germany). Other solvents and chemicals
wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatic pain, and used were either analar or of analytical grade unless otherwise
hemorrhoids, and also used to treat anxiety, hysteria, specified. Plant materials: Dried chamomile (Matricaria
nightmares, insomnia, and other sleep problems. The chamomilla) flowers and dried fennel (F. vulgare) seeds were
useful effects of chamomile are related to the presence purchased from Abd El-Rahman Harraz (Bab El-Khalk Zone,
of several flavonoid constituents (the most abundant Cairo, Egypt).
phenolic compounds in herbs), and the core structure
consists of either flavone (apigenin and luteolin) or flavonol Preparation and extraction of the plant materials
derivatives (quercetin and patuletin). These occur in various Three samples of dried chamomile flowers and fennel seeds
forms such as aglyco- mono- and di-glycosides and/or were ground. Eighty grams of each ground sample were
126 Hepatoma Research | Volume 1 | Issue 3 | October 15, 2015