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RESULTS prominent preventive effect was observed in the group
pre-treated with FSME.
AZA treatment resulted in a significant increase in hepatic
MDA level concomitant with a significant decline in hepatic In the present study, serum triglyceride level showed
GSH content and TAC as compared to control rats [Figure 1]. insignificant change among the different studied groups,
However, the administration of either CFME or FSME alone but serum cholesterol level increased significantly in
revealed insignificant changes in the mentioned parameters AZA-treated rats as compared with the control group. The
when compared to control rats except in rats that received animals those were administrated with CFME or FSME alone
FSME where a significant increase in hepatic GSH was showed an insignificant change in serum cholesterol level
observed. Pre-administration with CFME or FSME significantly as compared with the control group. The administration
reversed the elevation in hepatic MDA level and also reversed of CFME in combination with AZA offered little protection
the decrease in hepatic GSH content and TAC-induced by AZA against AZA-induced changes in cholesterol level, whereas
treatment toward the normal values of the controls. the administration of FSME to rats succeeded in ameliorating
significantly the AZA-induced changes in the mentioned
The selected and specialized serum markers of liver functions parameter [Figure 4].
among the different groups are shown in Figures 2 and 3. It
is clearly indicated that CFME or FSME had no effect on AST, AZA treatment resulted in a significant decrease in BWG (%),
ALT, and ALP activities as well as total- and direct-bilirubin when compared to control rats [Figure 5a]. The administrated
levels when compared with the control group. The treatment with CFME produced a non-significant decrease in BWG, but
of rats with AZA alone resulted in significant increases in FSME administration caused a significant decrease in BWG
AST, ALT, and ALP activities, direct-bilirubin levels and a when compared to control rats. Pre-treatment with CFME
non-significant increase in total-bilirubin level. However, before AZA treatment did not ameliorate the decrease in BWG
the administration of CFME or FSME to rats succeeded induced by AZA treatment, while as pre-administration with
significantly in preventing the AZA-induced changes in FSME before AZA treatment induced a significant increase in
the above mentioned parameters. In addition, the more BWG when compared to the AZA-treated group.
a b
Figure 1: (a) Hepatic malondialdehyde (MDA) level; (b) hepatic reduced glutathione (GSH) level; and (c) total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in rats treated daily for 28
consecutive days with chamomile fl owers methanolic extract (CFME), fennel seeds methanolic extract (FSME), azathioprine (AZA), CFME + AZA, and FSME + AZA.
Data represent the mean ± standard error (n = 8). *P ≤ 0.05 compared to normal control rats; P ≤ 0.05 compared to AZA-treated rats
128 Hepatoma Research | Volume 1 | Issue 3 | October 15, 2015