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Page 8 of 15                                                                                         Allen et al. Hepatoma Res 2021;7:73

                          Table 3. Selected completed clinical trials of neoadjuvant or downstaging chemotherapy in biliary tract cancers

                                                                                                                                         Resectability status                           Results
                          Study author        Year Study type           Study arms                         Tumor site No. of patients
                                                                                                                                         presentation            % R0         ORR DFS                OS
                          McMasters et al.    1997 Prospective (non-    EBRT (fluorouracil)                dCCA        4                 Unresectable            100%         3 pCR NA               NA
                                                    randomized)                                            pCCA        5
                                                                                                                       (total 9)
                          Nelson et al.       2009 Retrospective        EBRT (fluorouracil) +/-            pCCA,       12                Unresectable            91.7%        3 pCR NA               34 months
                                                                        brachytherapy                      dCCA
                          Jung et al.         2017 Retrospective        Fluorouracil/gemcitabine + EBRT    pCCa        12                Unresectable            83.3%        NA     NA              NA
                          Katayose et al.     2015 Prospective (non-    Gemcitabine + EBRT                 dCCA,       24                Resectable              80.9%        NA     NA              NA
                                                    randomized)                                            pCCA
                          Kobayashi et al.    2017 Retrospective        EBRT (gemcitabine) → surgery v     pCCA,       106 (27           Resectable              NA           70%    3 year DFS 78%  3 year OS 85% vs.
                                                                        surgery                            dCCA, GBC   neoadjuvant CRT)                                              vs. 57%         69%
                          Kato et al.         2013 Retrospective        Gemcitabine                        iCCA        22                Unresectable            18%          37%    NA              45 months
                          Kato et al.         2015 Retrospective        Cisplatin + gemcitabine            iCCA        39                Unresectable            26%          23%    NA              NA
                          Le Roy et al.       2018 Retrospective        Gemcitabine + oxaliplatin          iCCA        74 (39 received   Unresectable            31%          24%    NA              24.1 months
                          Lunsford et al.     2018 Prospective case     Gemcitabine → liver transplant     iCCA        6                 Unresectable            NA           NA     1 year 50%      5 year 83.3%
                          Chaudhari et al.    2018 Prospective (non-    Cisplatin + gemcitabine OR         GBC         160               Unresectable            95%          52.5% 25 months        49 months
                                                    randomized)         gemcitabine + oxaliplatin                                                                (63/66)
                          Sumiyoshi et al.    2018 Retrospective        IMRT (S-1)                         iCCA        7                 Unresectable            9/11 (both)   57%   mDFS 21.5       mOS 37 months
                                                                                                           pCCA        8                                         (82%)        37%    months (4-40)  (surgical pt)

                          CCA: Cholangiocarcinoma; GBC: gallbladder carcinoma; iCCA: intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma; pCCA: perihilar cholangiocarcinoma; dCCA: distal cholangiocarcinoma; CRT: chemoradiotherapy; OS: overall survival;
                          DFS: disease-free survival; AEs: adverse events; pCR: pathological complete response; EBRT: external-bean radiotherapy; IMRT: intensity-modulated radiotherapy.

                          were offered surgery, with an R0 resection achieved in 63. The remaining 94 patients either declined surgery or their tumors progressed. The median OS was

                          49 months, and median DFS 25 months in those who underwent curative surgery. In addition, 61 patients (92%) received adjuvant chemotherapy, with details
                          regarding which chemotherapy prescribed was not provided.

                          The “Mayo protocol” included highly selected patients with unresectable perihilar CCA. Patients received neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by an
                          orthotropic liver transplant. Chemoradiotherapy involved 45-55 Gy with concurrent fluorouracil for five weeks with maintenance capecitabine until

                          transplant . Analyses indicate improved locoregional control and a 5-year DFS of 60%-70% and OS of 82% .
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