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Dang et al. Chem Synth 2023;3:14         Page 5 of 20

               to fabricate. It is reported that 2D Se nanomaterials have relatively complex structures based on crystal
               search computations. Besides the hexagonal and trigonal structure, two other stable structures including 1T-
               MoS -like structure (T-Se) and square structure (S-Se) may exist [Figure 1J] .
               The synthesis strategies and fabrication techniques greatly dictate the morphologies and structures of the
               resulting Se. So far, numerous protocols for synthesizing Se nanomaterials, such as chemical reduction,
               chemical vapor transfer synthesis, and thermally drawn-assisted synthesis, have been reported [Table 1].
               The following section analyzes some representative synthesis and fabrication strategies of Se nanomaterials,
               including nanospheres, nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanowires, and nanosheets.

               0D Se nanomaterial
               Due to the low cost, biocompatibility, and outstanding electrical properties, 0D Se nanomaterials have been
               brought into focus in chemical and material communities. Chemical reduction is one of the most common
               strategies for the synthesis of 0D Se. This approach involves reducing Se salts with various reducing
               chemicals. Se nanoparticles with a hollow structure synthesized by using A (Pr), sodium selenite, and
               mercaptothion as a template, Se sources, and reducing agents have been reported [Figure 2A] . TEM
               characterization revealed the hollow structures at the edges and centers. However, the obtained Se
               nanoparticles contain impurities, transferring these nanoscale materials is complicated, and breaking the
               serious aggregation remains challenging. All these issues restrict the practical application of these
               nanoparticles. The emergence of solvothermal synthesis successfully solves the problems, resulting in
               nanoparticles of high purity, uniform morphologies, and slight aggregation [Figure 2B] . Additionally, this
               method is facile to enable super-small nanoparticles. One example shown in Figure 2B (ii) shows
               nanoparticles with radii of 3-8 nm. In addition, laser ablation of solid bulky Se at the solid-liquid interface
               could also be harnessed to produce Se nanoparticles [Figure 2C] . With this “top-down” strategy, colloidal
               Se nanoparticles with sizes of below 100 nm are fabricated in pure water. Such Se nanoparticles are expected
               to be useful for biological applications. However, some issues that impede the practical application of 0D Se
               are also reported in these studies. For example, the collision and aggregation of Se nanoparticles frequently
               occurred, which easily led to serious surface oxidation and degradation. The research on oxidation and
               degradation will be at the center of the solvothermal synthesis of 0D Se nanomaterials.

               1D Se nanomaterials
               1D Se nanomaterials such as nanowires, nanorods, nanotubes, and nanobelts have elicited significant
               interest because of their outstanding optical and electrical properties. Two strategies, namely the “top-
               down” and “bottom-up” approaches, have been generally employed for the synthesis of 1D formats.
               Specifically, the “top-down” strategy relies on selective removal of material from a solid bulky Se in a
               subtractive manner, while the “bottom-up” strategy utilizes individual atoms as the building blocks to
               realize structure assembling in an additive fashion [66,67] .

               1D Se nanomaterials are commonly fabricated with the “bottom-up” approach because the atomic
               composition, size, and shape can be tailorable and controllable. This approach typically involves the
               decomposition of Se-based compound via chemical reactions either at room or an elevated temperature
               [Figure 3A]. The  resulting  nanowires  are  highly  uniform,  large-area  and  of  high  aspect  ratio
               [Figure 3A (i)] . Their lateral dimensions are controllable depending on the process parameters
               [Figure 3A (ii)]. However, Se nanowires prepared by this approach can be easily contaminated by the used
               chemical reagents. In addition, the relatively poor crystallinity and high density of defects further frustrate
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