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Han et al. Cancer Drug Resist 2024;7:16  Page 17 of 25

                Figure 7. (A) Protein expressions of p-PI3K, PI3K, p-AKT(S473), t-AKT, RXRα, PDK1, p-MAPK1/3, MAPK1/3 and Bcl-2 were analyzed
                using WB. Data are represented as mean ± SD ( P < 0.05,  P < 0.01,  P < 0.001,  **** P < 0.0001 vs. control group); (B) Protein
                expressions of p-STAT3, STAT3 were analyzed using WB. Data are represented as mean ± SD ( P < 0.01 vs. control group). PI3K:
                Phosphoinositide 3-kinase; AKT: AKT serine/threonine kinase; PDK1: 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1; MAPK: mitogen-
                activated protein kinase; WB: western blot; STAT3: signal transducer and activator of transcription 3.
               daily and the weight on the last day was recorded. “V (mm ) = L × W /2” is the formula used to calculate the
               mass. Our results demonstrated that isocuB strongly suppressed cell proliferation. After administration of
               isocuB for 18 days (P < 0.0001), the weight of the mass decreased dramatically compared to the control
               group [Figure 10A-F]. Taken together, isocuB inhibited tumors in vivo.

               Accounting for 81% of all CNS malignancies, glioma is one of the most challenging malignancies to treat
               effectively. Recent studies have underscored the utility of exploring active compounds in natural medicinal
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