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Page 57                                                                        Xu et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:48-63

               Table 3. Management of HCC
                Study     Title                                       Study aim                       Diagnostic technique   Performance
                Ji et al.  Machine-learning analysis of contrast-enhanced CT radiomics   Prediction of HCC recurrence  CECT  ML  C-index: 0.733-0.801
                          predicts recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after resection: a                                 Integrated Brier score: 0.147-0.165
                          multi-institutional study
                Saillard et al. [67]  Predicting survival after hepatocellular carcinoma resection using   Prediction of survival in HCC patients after   Histopathology  CNN C-index: 0.75-0.78
                          deep learning on histological slides        surgical resection
                Bertsimas   Development and validation of an optimized prediction of mortality   Prediction of candidate's 3-month waitlist   Standard Transplant   ML  Compared to MELD, OPOM
                et al.    for candidates awaiting liver transplantation  mortality or removal         Analysis and Research   allocation reduced mortality by
                                                                                                      (STAR) dataset         417.96 deaths per year
                Yu et al. [71]  Artificial intelligence for predicting survival following deceased   Prediction of survival following liver   Deceased donor liver   ML  AUC: 0.80-0.85
                          donor liver transplantation: retrospective multicenter study  transplantation using traditional statistical   transplant recipients
                                                                      models versus ML approaches     variables
                Briceño et al.  Use of artificial intelligence as an innovative donor-recipient   Donor-recipient (D-R) matching in liver   D-R variables  ANN Prediction of probability of graft
                          matching model for liver transplantation: results from a multicenter   transplantation, comparison of ANN accuracy   survival (90.79%) and -loss
                          spanish study                               with validated scores of graft survival                (71.42%)
                Gujio-Rubio   Statistical methods versus machine learning techniques for donor-  Analyze how several ML techniques behave in the  United Network for Organ   ML  AUC: 0.654 for logistic regression
                et al.    recipient matching in liver transplantation  largest liver transplant database  Sharing database   AUC: 0.599-0.644 for ML
                Peng et al.  Residual convolutional neural network for predicting the response of  Prediction of response to TACE  CT  CNN AUC: 0.97
                          transarterial chemoembolization in hepatocellular carcinoma from                                   Accuracy: 84.3%
                          CT imaging
                Morshid   A machine learning model to predict hepatocellular carcinoma   Prediction of response to TACE  CT  ML  Accuracy: 74%
                et al. [75]  response to transcatheter arterial chemoembolization. radiology
                          artificial intelligence
                Liu et al.  Accurate prediction of responses to transarterial chemoembolization  Prediction of response to TACE  CEUS  DL  AUC: 0.93
                          for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma by using artificial
                          intelligence in contrast-enhanced ultrasound
               AUC: area under the curve; ANN: artificial neural network; CT: computed tomography; CNN: convolutional neural networks; CEUS: contrast-enhanced US; CECT: contrast-enhanced CT; DL: deep learning HCC:
               Hepatocellular carcinoma; MELD: the model for end-stage liver disease; OPOM: the optimized prediction of mortality; TACE: transarterial chemoembolization.

               including the discovery of a novel protein folding structure and a new clinically approved antibiotic, firmly establishing its role in translational sciences [78,79] .
               However, the “AI chasm”, a term coined to reflect the gulf between AI development and deployment , remains an important practical challenge in clinical
               utility. Despite the multifold benefits of using AI as an adjunct in clinical decision-making, its application has been relatively slow to be adopted across the
               clinical arenas.
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