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Xu et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:48-63                                                    Page 54

               Table 2. Prognostication of HCC
                                                                                                        Diagnostic   AI
                Study     Title                                 Study aim                                              Performance
                                                                                                        technique  tool
                Jiang et al.  Preoperative identification of microvascular invasion in   Identification of MVI in HCC  CT  CNN AUC: 0.906
                          hepatocellular carcinoma by XGBoost and deep learning
                Zhang et al.  Deep learning with 3d convolutional neural network for   Prediction of MVI in HCC  MRI  CNN AUC: 0.72
                          noninvasive prediction of microvascular invasion in                                          Sensitivity: 55%
                          hepatocellular carcinoma                                                                     Specificity: 81%
                Liu et al.  Deep learning radiomics based on contrast-enhanced   Prediction of 2-year progression-free survival (PFS) of   CEUS  DL  C-index: 0.726 for RFA, 0.741 for liver
                          ultrasound might optimize curative treatments for very-  radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and liver resection prior to   resection
                          early or early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma patients. liver  treatment; Optimize treatment selection for patients with very
                          cancer                                early and early-stage HCC
                Zhang et al.  Deep Learning predicts overall survival of patients with   Prediction of overall survival in HCC after treatment with   CT  CNN C-index: 0.717 in training set, 0.714 in
                          unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma treated by   TACE and Sorafenib                        validation set
                          transarterial chemoembolization plus Sorafenib
                Simsek et al. [23]  Artificial intelligence method to predict overall survival of   Prediction of overall survival in HCC  Clinical,   ML  AUC: 0.92 for >6 months, 0.81 for >1 year,
                          hepatocellular carcinoma                                                      Biochemical    0.78 for >2 years, 0.81 for >3 years, 0.82 for
                                                                                                                       >5 years, 0.81 for >8 years, and 0.66 for >10
               AUC: Area under the curve; CT: computed tomography; CNN: convolutional neural networks; CEUS: contrast-enhanced US; DL: deep learning HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; MVI: microvascular invasion; MRI:
               magnetic resonance imaging; ML: machine learning; TACE: transarterial chemoembolization.

               Recently, Simsek et al. reported a DL model studying non-radiological features (age, bilirubin, AFP, smoking status, alcoholic liver disease etiology, and GGT)
               predicted overall survival of HCC patients at short and long-term intervals (AUC 0.92) . With the established role of immunotherapy in the management
               algorithm of HCC , these studies at present may have limited clinical applicability. However, at present, it must be noted that standard molecular markers of
               sensitivity to immunotherapy, such as microsatellite instability, tumor mutational burden and mismatch repair, have a limited role in predicting responders to
               immunotherapy in HCC [64,65] . The principles of radiomic and DL methods, as described above, may indeed prove to be the mainstay of such predictions prior
               to HCC treatment in the future. All findings are summarized in Table 2.

               TREATMENT OF HCC
               Liver resection
               Survival outcomes after resection
               Liver resection is recommended as first-line therapy for patients with HCC, but there is a paucity of outcome prediction models to aid in patient selection and
               postoperative tumor recurrence remains high. Traditionally, the decision for surgery is guided by treatment pathways such as the Barcelona Clinic Liver
               Cancer (BCLC) algorithm . With the emergence of AI tools that combine clinical, biochemical, and multimodal radiological features, there is potential for
               more accurate preoperative identification of HCC patients at higher risk of recurrence.
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