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Page 51                                                                        Xu et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:48-63

               Table 1. Diagnosis of HCC
                Study      Title                                 Study aim                            AI tool  Performance
                Liu et al.  Learning to diagnose Cirrhosis with liver capsule Guided   Early identification of cirrhosis  US  ML  AUC: 0.968
                           ultrasound image classification
                Ksiazek et al.  A novel machine learning Approach for early detection of   Prediction of HCC risk  US  ML  Accuracy: 88.5%
                           hepatocellular carcinoma Patients
                Bharti et al.  Preliminary study of chronic liver classification on   Classification of liver disease into four   US  ANN  Accuracy: 96.6%
                           ultrasound images using an ensemble model  stages (normal liver, chronic liver
                                                                 disease, cirrhosis and HCC)
                Brehar et al.  Comparison of deep-learning and conventional machine-  Differentiate HCC from cirrhotic   US  CNN  AUC: 0.95
                           learning methods for the automatic recognition of the   parenchyma                Accuracy: 0.91
                           hepatocellular carcinoma areas from ultrasound Images                             Sensitivity: 94.4%
                                                                                                             Specificity: 88.4%
                Schmauch   Diagnosis of focal liver lesions from ultrasound using deep   Classification of liver lesions as benign   US  DL  AUC: 0.93 for benign lesions, 0.92 for malignant lesions
                et al. [15]  learning                            or malignant
                Guo et al.  A two-stage multi-view learning framework-based   Classification of liver lesions as benign   CEUS  ML  Accuracy: 90.41%
                           computer-aided diagnosis of liver tumors with contrast   or malignant             Sensitivity: 93.56%
                           enhanced ultrasound images                                                        Specificity: 86.89%
                                                                                                             Youden index: 79.44%
                                                                                                             False positive rate: 13.11%
                                                                                                             False negative rate: 6.44%
                Yang et al. [42]  Improving B-mode ultrasound diagnostic performance for   Classification of liver lesions as benign   US  CNN  AUC: 0.924 (external validation)
                           focal liver lesions using deep learning: A multi-center study  or malignant
                Streba et al. [43]  Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography parameters in neural   Classification of focal liver lesions  US  ANN  Accuracy: 87.12%
                           network diagnosis of liver tumors                                                 Sensitivity: 93.2%
                                                                                                             Specificity: 89.7%
                Hassan et al.  Diagnosis of focal liver diseases based on deep learning   Classification of focal liver lesions  US  Auto-  Accuracy: 97.2% accuracy
                           technique for ultrasound images                                            encoder  Sensitivity: 98%
                                                                                                             Specificity: 95.70%
                Shi et al.  Deep learning assisted differentiation of hepatocellular   Classification of focal liver lesions  CT  CNN  AUC: 0.925
                           carcinoma from focal liver lesions: choice of four-phase and
                           three-phase CT imaging protocol
                Yasaka et al. [46]  Deep learning with convolutional neural network for   Classification of focal liver lesions  CT  CNN  AUC: 0.92
                           differentiation of liver masses at dynamic contrast-
                           enhanced CT: A Preliminary Study
                Sun et al.  LiSNet: An artificial intelligence -based tool for liver imaging  Prediction of MVI in HCC, and scoring   CT  ML  AUC: 0.668 for predicting histopathological MVI
                           staging of hepatocellular carcinoma aggressiveness  HCC aggressiveness            Agreement rate of LiSNet with subspecialists: 0.658, 0.595
                                                                                                             and 0.369 for scoring HCC aggressiveness grades I, II, and III
                Hamm et al. [47]  Deep learning for liver tumor diagnosis part I: development   Classification of focal liver lesions  MRI  CNN  AUC: 0.992 for HCC identification
                           of a convolutional neural network classifier for multiphasic                      Sensitivity: 90% for classifying FLLs
                           MRI                                                                               Specificity: 98% for classifying FLLs
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98