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Page 38                         McGivern et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:27-47

                                                              to ERCP quality indicators across
                                                              individual providers
                Ruzzenente et al.  2022  Italy   L    ML      Evaluate four difficulty scoring   Case series  Patient factors
                                                              systems in liver surgery and
                                                              determine the most important
                                                              characteristics using random
                                                              forest models
                Mascagani et al. [100]  2022  France   G  DL/CV  Creation of an assessment tool   Multicentre   Annotated
                                        Italy                 for CVS               retrospective   surgery videos
                Mascagani et al.  2022  France   G    DL/CV   Develop a deep learning model to  Case series  Annotated
                                        Italy                 automatically segment            surgery images
                                                              hepatocystic anatomy and assess
                                                              the criteria defining the critical
                                                              view of safety (CVS)
                Tranter-Entwistle   2022  New    G    ML/CV   Use a commercially available   Case series  Surgery videos
                et al.                  Zealand               ML-driven platform to evaluate a
                                        Australia             subjective grading of operative
                                                              difficulty in laparoscopic
                Liu et al. [103]  2022  China    G    ML/CV   Develop model and preliminarily  Pilot study  Annotated
                                                              verify its potential surgical    surgery images
                                                              guidance ability by comparing its
                                                              performance with surgeons
                                                              during laparoscopic
                Ugail et al.  2022      UK       L    ML/DL/CV Present the use of deep learning   Pilot study  Surgical images
                                                              for the non-invasive evaluation of
                                                              donor liver organs
                Mojtahed et al. [105]  2022  USA   L  DL/CV   Demonstrate the accuracy and   Retrospective   MRI images
                                        Netherlands           precision of liver segment volume  study
                                        Portugal              measurements
                Han et al.    2022      China    L    DL/CV   Develop and validate a three-  Retrospective   MRI images
                                                              dimensional convolutional neural  study
                                                              network model for automatic
                                                              liver segment segmentation
                Ward et al.   2022      USA      G    DL/CV   Trained model to identify PGS  Development   Annotated
                                                                                    and testing of AI  surgery images
                Madani et al.  2022     Canada   G    DL/CV   Develop and evaluate the   Development   Annotated
                                        USA                   performance of models that can   and testing of AI  surgery images
                                        UK                    identify safe and dangerous   models
                                                              zones of dissection during
                                                              laparoscopic cholecystectomy
                Loukas et al. [109]  2022  Greece  G  DL/CV   Framework for vascularity   Development   Surgery images
                                                              classification of the gallbladder   and testing of AI
                                                              wall from intraoperative images   models
                                                              of laparoscopic cholecystectomy
                Golany et al. [110]  2022  Israel  G  DL/CV   Developed algorithm and   Development   Annotated
                                                              evaluated its performance in   and testing of AI  surgery videos
                                                              recognizing surgical phases of   models
                                                              laparoscopic cholecystectomy
               AR: Augmented reality; CVS: Critical view of safety; G: gallbladder; HSI: hyperspectral images; IGS: image guided surgery; L: liver; LDLT: living
               donor liver transplant; LC: laparoscopic cholecystectomy; LRS: laser range scanners; PTCD: percutaneous transhepatic biliary drain; PGS: parkland
               grading scale for cholecystitis; P: pancreas; SSC: sparse shape composition.

               derived from imaging to group lesions into disease subgroups [15,18,21] . In another example, decision tree
               models were used to predict the occurrence of any complication and of specific complications in patients
               undergoing liver, pancreatic and colorectal surgery . These algorithms were superior to the American
               Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA) classification at predicting the chance of any complication. They
               performed well for specific complications, with c-statistics ranging from 0.76 to 0.98. As described in our
               conceptual mapping exercise, the augmentation of surgical fields to highlight relevant anatomy is a key area
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