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Page 34                                                          McGivern et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:27-47

               Table 2. Summary of included studies focusing on prognostic uses of AI in HPB surgery
                             Year of                AI
                Authors                Location  Organ      Aim                    Design      Data
                             publication            method
                Singal et al.  2013    USA     L    ML      Develop and compare predictive   Prospective   Patient factors
                                                            models for HCC development   study
                                                            among cirrhotic patients using
                                                            conventional regression analysis
                                                            and machine-learning algorithms
                Banerjee et al.  2015  USA     L    ML/CV   RVI was assessed for its ability to   Prospective   CT images
                                                            predict MVI and outcomes in   evaluation of a
                                                            patients with HCC who underwent  retrospective
                                                            surgical resection or liver   cohort
                Walczak et al. [38]  2017  USA  P   ML      Assess the accuracy of artificial   Retrospective   Patient factors
                                                            neural networks in predicting   study
                                                            survival in patients with pancreatic
                                                            cancer using both clinical and
                                                            patient-centered data
                Ying Zhou et al.  2017  China  L    ML/CV   Develop a CT-based radiomics   Retrospective   CT images
                                                            signature and assess its ability to   study
                                                            preoperatively predict the early
                                                            recurrence (≤ 1 year) of
                                                            hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
                Zheng et al.  2018     China   L    ML/CV   Developed a CT–based radiomic   Retrospective   CT images
                                                            nomogram to predict recurrence-  study
                                                            free survival rates for HCC after
                                                            resection, ablation, and transplant
                Ivanics et al.  2019   Canada  L    ML      Leverage machine learning to   Retrospective   Patient factors
                                                            develop an accurate post-  study
                                                            transplantation HCC recurrence
                                                            prediction calculator
                Sala Elarre et al. [42]  2019  Spain  P  ML  Evaluated the 2-year relapse risk   Retrospective   Patient factors
                                                            for pancreatic cancer patients   study
                                                            based on a machine-learning
                Marinelli et al. [43]  2019  USA  L  NLP/DL  Determine if weakly supervised   Retrospective   Radiology
                                                            learning/active transfer learning   study  reports/CT
                                                            can hasten clinical deployment of   images
                                                            deep learning models for liver
                Naseif et al. [44]  2019  USA  P    ML/CV   Develop a delta-radiomic process   Retrospective   CT images
                                                            based on machine learning to   study
                                                            predict the treatment response of
                                                            pancreatic cancer
                Shan et al. [45]  2019  China  L    ML/CV   A Prediction model based on   Retrospective   CT images
                                                            peritumoral radiomics signatures   study
                                                            from CT - investigate its efficiency
                                                            in predicting early recurrence of
                                                            HCC after curative treatment
                Chen et al.  2020      China   L    CV/ML   Establish a radiomics-based   Retrospective   MRI images
                                                            clinical model for preoperative   study
                                                            prediction of PHLF in HCC
                Han et al.   2020      South   P    ML      Risk prediction model for POPF   Retrospective   Patient factors
                                       Korea                using AI               study
                Kambakamba   2020      Switzerland P  ML    The potential of machine learning- Retrospective   CT images
                et al. [48]                                 based approaches to describe the   study
                                                            pancreatic texture and to predict
                Merath et al.  2020    USA     L/P  ML      Assess ML algorithm to predict the  Retrospective   Patient factors
                                                            patient risk of developing   study
                                                            complications following liver,
                                                            pancreatic or colorectal surgery
                Saillard et al.  2020  France  L    DL      Evaluate the effectiveness of AI   Development   Histology
                                                            algorithms to predict survival   and testing of AI  images
                                                            following HCC resection  models
                Cesaretti et al.  2020  France   L  ML/DL/CV  Automatizing liver-graft   Prospective   Surgery images
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