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McGivern et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:27-47                                                         Page 35

                                       Italy                segmentation from smartphone   study
                                                            images and validating the
                                                            robustness of this approach
                Mai et al.   2020      China   L    DL      Establish and validate an artificial   Retrospective   Patient factors
                                                            neural network model to predict   study
                                                            severe post-hepatectomy liver
                                                            failure in patients with
                                                            hepatocellular carcinoma who
                                                            underwent hemi-hepatectomy
                Liu et al. [53]  2020  Taiwan  L    ML      Devise a predictive model to   Retrospective   Patient factors
                                                            predict postoperative survival   study
                                                            within 30 days based on the
                                                            patient’s preoperative
                                                            physiological measurement values
                Schoenberg et al.  2020  Germany  L  ML     Developing and validating a   Retrospective   Patient factors
                                                            machine-learning algorithm to   study
                                                            predict which patients are
                                                            sufficiently treated by LR
                Szpakowski et al. [55]  2020  USA  G  NLP   Determine the growth pattern of   Retrospective   Radiology
                                                            GPs and their association with   study  reports
                Capretti et al.  2021  Italy   P    CV/ML   Develop a reliable and   Retrospective   CT
                                       Portugal             reproducible machine learning-  study  images/patient
                                                            based multimodal risk model        factors
                                                            capable of predicting CR-POPF by
                                                            combining radiomic features and
                                                            morphologic features
                Sun et al.   2021      China   L    DL      Develop a model to predict HCC   Retrospective   Patient factors
                                                            recurrence             study
                Xie et al. [58]  2021  USA     P    NLP     Develop and apply a natural   Retrospective   Radiology
                                                            language processing algorithm for  study  reports
                                                            the characterization of patients
                                                            diagnosed with chronic
                Hayashi et al.  2022   Japan   P    ML      Predict recurrence and metastatic  Retrospective   Histology
                                                            sites in pancreatic cancer following  study  images
                                                            curative surgery
                Li et al.    2022      China   P    ML      Develop and validate clinical-  Retrospective   CT
                                                            radiomics models that   study      images/patient
                                                            preoperatively predict 1 and 2-year   factors
                                                            recurrence of PDAC
                Noh et al.   2022      South   L    ML      Machine learning-based survival   Retrospective   Patient factors
                                       Korea                rate prediction of hepatocellular   study
                                                            carcinoma patients
                Morris-Stiff et al. [62]  2022  USA  G  NLP  Develop a clinical prediction model  Retrospective   Radiology
                                                            for asymptomatic gallstones  study  reports
                Narayan et al. [63]  2022  USA  L   ML/CV   Developed an objective, computer  Retrospective   Histology
                                                            vision artificial intelligence (CVAI)  study  images
                                                            platform to score donor liver
                                                            steatosis and compared its
                                                            capability for predicting EAD
                                                            against pathologist steatosis
                Cotter et al. [64]  2022  USA  G    ML      Machine-based learning approach  Retrospective   Patient factors
                                                            to stratify patients with gallbladder  study
                                                            cancer into distinct prognostic
                                                            groups using preoperative
               CV: Computer vision; CR-POPF: clinically relevant postoperative pancreatic fistula; EAD: early allograft dysfunction; G: gallbladder; GPs:
               gallbladder polyps; GBC: gallbladder cancer; L: liver; LR: liver resection; ML: machine learning; MVI: microvascular invasion; P: pancreas; PHLF:
               post-hepatectomy liver failure; POPF: postoperative pancreatic fistula; PDAC: pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma; RVI: radiogenomic venous
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