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Page 32                                                          McGivern et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:27-47

               Table 1. Summary of included studies focusing on diagnostic uses of AI in HPB surgery
                             Year of               AI
                Authors                Location Organ     Aim                   Method     Data
                             publication           method
                Saftoiu et al.  2012   Romania  P  DL/CV  Assessed accuracy of real-time   Prospective,   EUS images
                                                          EUS elastography in pancreatic   blinded,
                                                          lesions using artificial neural   multicentric
                                                          network analysis      study
                Kaizhi et al.  2014    Japan  L    DL/CV  Proposes automatic classification  Case series  CEUS images
                                                          method based on deep learning in
                                                          ultrasonography (CEUS) of focal
                                                          liver lesions
                Gatos et al.  2015     Greece  L   ML/CV  Design and implementation of a   Retrospective   MRI images
                                                          computer-based image analysis   study
                                                          system employing the support
                                                          vector machine system for the
                                                          classification of liver lesions
                Roch et al [16]  2015  USA    P    NLP    Implement an automated Natural  Single institution  Patient records
                                                          Language Processing based   prospective pilot
                                                          pancreatic cyst identification   study
                Sada et al.  2016      USA    L    NLP    Evaluated whether natural   Retrospective   Pathology/radiology
                                                          language processing document   study  reports
                                                          classification improves HCC
                Kondo et al.  2017     Japan  L    ML/CV  Proposes automatic classification  Single institution  CEUS images
                                                          method based on machine   pilot study
                                                          learning in CEUS of focal liver
                Yang et al.  2017      China  L    NLP    Assess gene expression in HCC   Description of   Gene library/
                                                          using combined data from The   experiment  published literature
                                                          Cancer Genome Atlas and NLP
                                                          identified genes
                Kuwahara et al. [20]  2019  Japan  P  DL  Investigate whether a deep   Retrospective   EUS images
                                                          learning algorithm using EUS   study
                                                          images of IPMN could predict the
                                                          diagnosis of malignancy
                Shen et al. [21]  2019  China  P   ML     Establish and validate a radiomics  Retrospective   CT images
                                                          diagnosis model for the   study
                                                          classification of three subtypes of
                                                          pancreatic lesion
                Lei Xu et al. [22]  2019  China/   G  ML/CV  Develop and validate a prediction  Retrospective   MRI images
                                       USA                model for preoperative LN status  study
                                                          evaluation in ICC patients
                Brown et al.  2019     Canada  L   NLP/ML Explore natural language   Retrospective   Radiology reports
                                                          processing to predict downstream  study
                                                          radiology resource utilization in
                                                          patients undergoing surveillance
                                                          for HCC
                Watson et al.  2020    USA    P    DL     Use CT-guided deep learning   Retrospective   CT images
                                                          techniques to predict malignancy  pilot study
                                                          of PCNs
                Liu et al. [25]  2020  China  L    NLP/DL  Designed an NLP pipeline for the  Retrospective   Radiology reports
                                                          direct extraction of clinically   study
                                                          relevant features of liver cancer
                                                          from radiology reports
                Mao et al.   2021      China  L    ML     Investigate the performance of an  Retrospective   US images
                                                          ultrasound-based radiomics   study
                                                          approach to differentiate primary
                                                          liver cancer from metastatic liver
                Jang et al. [27]  2021  South   G  DL/CV  Evaluate the diagnostic   Retrospective   EUS images
                                       Korea              performance of AI in   study
                                                          differentiating biliary lesions using
                                                          EUS images
                Dongyan et al.  2021   China  G    DL/CV  Assessed duodenoscopy assisted  Pilot study  ERCP/
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