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McGivern et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:27-47                                                         Page 33

                                                          by visual sensing technology     surgery images
                                                          based on convolutional neural
                                                          network algorithm in the
                                                          diagnosis and treatment of
                Kim et al. [29]  2021  South   G   DL/CV  Aimed to differentiate gallbladder  Retrospective   US images
                                       Korea              polyps in ultrasound images using  study
                                                          deep learning
                Yamashita et al.  2021  USA   P    NLP    Identify patients with pancreatic   Retrospective   Radiology reports
                                                          cystic lesions and extract   study
                                                          measurements from imaging
                                                          reports using NLP
                Chong et al.  2022     China  L    CV/ML  Investigate the impact of MRI-  Retrospective   MRI images
                                                          based radiomics on predicting   study
                                                          GPC3 expression and the relevant
                                                          recurrence-free survival in liver
                Liu et al.   2022      USA    L    ML     Machine learning-based methods  Retrospective   Pathology
                                                          to select clinical and morphologic  study  specimens/patient
                                                          features to differentiate        records
                                                          hepatocellular adenoma subtypes
                Schuessler et al.  2022  Germany L  ML    Differentiation of    Retrospective   CTA images
                                                          hemodynamically significant and  study
                                                          non-significant coronary stenoses
                                                          in patients undergoing evaluation
                                                          for liver transplant
                Chang et al.  2022     China  G    DL     Explore the application value of   Retrospective   Tumor-markers
                                                          the neural network and genetic   study
                                                          algorithms in the detection and
                                                          prognosis of tumor markers in
                                                          patients with gallbladder cancer
                Kooragayala   2022     USA    P    NLP    Utilized an NLP algorithm to   Retrospective   Radiology reports
                et al.                                    quantify the incidence of clinically  study
                                                          relevant pancreatic lesions in CT
               CV: Computer vision; CTA: CT angiogram; CEUS: Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography; DL: deep learning; EUS: endoscopic ultrasound; GPC3:
               Glypican 3 (protein-coding gene); G: gallbladder; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; IPMN: Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas;
               ICC: intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma; L: liver; ML: machine learning; LN: lymph node; NLP: natural language processing; PCN: pancreatic cystic
               neoplasms; P: pancreas.

               Interventional applications of artificial intelligence
               We identified several key concepts around supporting interventions with AI assistance [Table 3 and
               Figure 4]. Intraoperative vision was a major area, with multiple studies focusing on improving the
               visualization of unseen structures, which may cause significant patient harm if inadvertently injured (e.g.,
               major blood vessels or the bile duct). This was achieved through virtual or augmented reality, where inputs
               from other data sources such as CT and MRI are combined (sensor fusion) and overlain on real-time
               images (e.g., through laparoscopic/robot-assisted surgery video source) to produce an augmented view of
               the surgical field.

               Preoperative surgical planning and simulation were also identified as key concepts. There were numerous
               studies that aimed to develop virtual reality models or other digital interventions which permitted surgeons
               to plan complex operations with the aim of minimizing complications. This was proposed to be achieved
               through pre-surgery operative simulation/rehearsal (advantages when unusual anatomy identified) or by
               using AI methods to predict severe complications such as post-hepatectomy liver failure (PHLF).

               Artificial intelligence tasks
               We identified several common AI tasks being applied in HPB surgery. Classification is where data can be
               assigned to groups based on a defined shared characteristic. Classification algorithms were frequently
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