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Page 21                            Tovar et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:14-26

               biomarker. With the addition of CA 19-9 serum marker to the model, accuracy in predicting PDAC
               improved, performing with an AUC of 0.94. Future development of AI and microbiome populations may
               provide an accessible and noninvasive population-wide method of detecting PDAC during a curable
               stage .

               Federated learning
               Research collaborations between different institutes can provide more meaningful data for model training,
               especially when studying rare diseases such as PDAC. The federated learning approach to collaboration
               involves sending computer models from one institution to another without sending or exchanging patient
               data . In the standard development of models, concerns over patient privacy remain a large barrier to the
               collaboration and expansion of data sets. Federated learning is beneficial in that the patient's information
               stays locally within the institution . The use of federated learning in pancreatic cancer early detection
               remains in a nascent phase. As PDAC is a heterogeneous and relatively rare cancer, utilization of more data
               that spans institutions and demographics is expected to strengthen the ability of AI to predict the risk of
               malignancy or detect early, potentially curable stages of disease with wider applicability. Indeed, bias is a
               significant  challenge  to  overcome  with  AI  model  building  efforts,  including  the  inclusion  of
               underrepresented minorities, rare conditions, and disadvantaged socioeconomic groups. Some examples of
               successful federated learning in medical literature include its use in predicting future hospitalizations of
               patients with heart diseases using EHR and in COVID-19 diagnosis using X-Ray and ultrasound
               images [69,70] . Ongoing efforts through NIH will apply this form of collaboration to PDAC early detection .
               Beyond risk stratification: subtyping PDAC biology for personalized screening
               Several elements may be implemented in future AI model building to ensure optimum performance,
               accuracy, and personalization. PDAC is a heterogeneous disease where treatment response, tumor growth
               rate, and clinical outcomes vary. Thus, having a customized screening plan for each patient would make
               detection at an early stage more likely. In aggressive subtypes, such as high delta tumors , doubling time of
               tumor growth was observed to be faster than those of the less aggressive low delta subtype. Moreover, in
               comparison to the patients with low delta tumors at diagnosis, the patients with high delta tumors at
               diagnosis were associated with higher blood glucose levels in the pre-diagnostic period, faster wasting of
               muscle and fat, and more advanced, incurable stages at diagnosis. Creating an AI model that predicts
               whether a patient will have an aggressive or indolent form of the cancer may help form scheduled
               surveillance better suited to detect signs of malignancy before metastasis .
               Clinical application of AI models
               Multiple challenges remain with clinical implementation of AI for early detection of PDAC. Awareness of
               the ethical and privacy concerns involved in examining patient data at population scales is essential to
               creating a trustworthy model. Privacy underprotection and overprotection of patient information is a major
               concern when using big data. While underprotecting data can lead to breaches in privacy, overprotecting
               can inhibit or block innovation . In the context of PDAC, new developments that balance data protection
               concerns are needed as early detection strategies are integrated into health systems. In addition, there are
               ethical pitfalls in implementing AI models in a healthcare setting. For example, there may be instances when
               the AI and physician disagree on a diagnosis, where the physician can explain their reasoning in their
               judgment, whereas AI cannot provide an explanation. Without a clear justification, the patient may not be
               given enough information to make the best decision for his or her own health. The physician may keep their
               original diagnosis, but in the case that it is wrong, it will appear as if they were disregarding crucial
               evidence. They may also be pressured into agreeing with the model, trusting its accuracy more than their
               clinical judgement .
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