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Tovar et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:14-26       Page 18

               Table 2. Artificial Intelligence definitions
                AI           ML               ANN               DL                   CNN
                A family of   Subset of AI that learns   Subset of ML designed to   Subset of ANNs that contain   A class of ANN that uses
                computational   to convert input data   mimic biological neural   multiple neural layers between   mathematical convolution -
                methods designed   into a desired output   networks. ANNs include   the input and output layers.   application of a pattern filter to
                to mimic human   based on analysis of   computational neurons   These networks may contain   small fields within the data in a
                intelligence and   training data  .   composed of an input   billions of parameters (e.g, GPT- manner similar to the human
                decision-making  Common ML methods   layer, at least one hidden   3 at 175B [30] ) that form complex  visual cortex - to interpret
                             include support vector   layer, and an output   representations of patterns from  imaging or audio data [32] . There
                             machines, decision trees,  layer [29]  training datasets [31]  is overlap between CNN and DL
                             and Bayesian networks                                   networks
               AI: Artificial Intelligence; ANN: artificial neural network; CNN: convolutional neural network; DL: deep learning neural network; ML: machine

               Table 3. Summary of recent AI models utilized in PDAC research
                Authors      Year Model description     AI algorithm         Results
                Risk prediction:
                Boursi et al. [38]  2017 Early-onset diabetes, health data  Multivariable logistic regression AUC, 0.82
                Boursi et al.  2022 Impaired fasting glucose   Multivariable model  AUC, 0.71
                                  diagnosis, health data
                Muhammad et al.  2019 Health data, 18 features  ANN          Training test AUC, 0.86
                                                                             Test set AUC, 0.85
                Qureshi et al.  2022 Risk prediction using radiomics  Bayes classifier  86% accuracy
                Chen et al.  2020 Pancreatic ductal dilation  Multi-state model  AUC, 0.825-0.833
                Early detection:
                Mukherjee et al.  2022 Early detection using radiomics  ML   AUC, 0.98
                Permuth et al. [44]  2016 IPMN classification, CT and   Logistic regression  AUC, 0.92
                Polk et al. [45]  2020 IPMN classification, CT  Multivariate model  AUC, 0.93
                Tobaly et al.  2020 IPMN classification, CT  Multivariate model  AUC, 0.84
                Kuwahara et al. [47]  2019 IPMN classification, EUS  DL      AUC, 0.98
                Hanania et al.  2016 IPMN classification, CT  Logistic regression  AUC, 0.96
                Momeni-Boroujeni   2017 FNA biopsy malignancy  MNN           Stratification of atypical cases as benign or
                et al.                                                       malignant, 77% accuracy
                Chen et al.  2022 Detection of tumors (< 2cm)   CNN          Internal test, AUC 0.96
                                  using radiomics                            Test set, AUC 0.95
                Zhang et al.  2022 Detection of cancer clusters, EUS- DCNN   Internal test, AUC 0.958
                                  FNA                                        External test, AUC 0.948-0.976
                Kartal et al.  2022 Fecal microbiome    Classifier           AUC, 0.94
                Zaid et al. [53]  2020 Classification of tumors as high   Logistic regression-based binary  AUC, 0.84
                                  delta or low delta    classification
               ANN: Artificial neural network; CNN: convolutional neural network; CT: computed tomography; DCNN: deep convoluted neural network; DL: deep
               learning; EUS-FNA: endoscopy ultrasonography-fine-needle aspiration; ML: machine learning; MNN: multilayer perceptron neural network; PDAC:
               pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma carcinoma.

               Using data from nearly 800,000 patients, an ANN was developed by incorporating 18 personal health
               features from datasets. These variables included data that are ubiquitous in health records, such as the
               presence of diabetes, race, and family history. The model stratified patients as low-, medium-, and high-risk
               and performed with an AUC of 0.86 .
               Image-based risk models
               The term “radiomics” refers to a family of image analysis techniques that convert image data into sets of
               quantitative feature measurements that represent key features like brightness, shape, and texture. The
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