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Page 19                            Tovar et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:14-26

               coupling of organ-specific radiomics, which requires organs to be identified within the images for analysis,
               and AI [Table 2], which can provide both organ labels and integrated analysis of the radiomics features, may
               be a powerful tool for analyzing routine clinical images alongside a radiologist to provide new clinical
               insights such as a prediction of malignancy [Figure 1] [56,57] .

               Several methods utilized in recent research have incorporated image features seen in multiple image
               modalities, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to create models
               to detect those with a higher chance of malignancy. Qureshi et al. conducted a retrospective study of 72
               subjects to analyze images to find precursor indicators of PDAC present in pre-diagnostic CT scans, which
               were taken 3-6 months prior to PDAC diagnosis when indicated as normal by a pathologist. Their Bayes
               classifier model detected image features able to categorize scans as ‘healthy’ or ‘pre-diagnostic’ with an
               accuracy of 86% .
               Chen et al. investigated the use of a multi-state model of abnormal pancreatic morphological features from
               CT and MRI in combination with patient demographics, clinical features, and lab measurements for risk
               prediction. Out of the PDAC abnormalities evaluated, the most prevalent were pancreatic parenchymal
               atrophy reported in 21.4% of patients and calcification in 12.6% of patients. Among these morphological
               features, pancreatic duct dilatation was determined as an additional indicator of PDAC. The model found
               that those with a calculated risk of more than 5% represented 90% of their total PDAC study population
               (AUC 0.825-0.833) .

               Radiomics-based AI models
               Signs of pancreatic cancer have previously been estimated to be detectable 3-36 months before diagnosis .
               Mukherjee et al. trained a ML model to detect PDAC at a stage not visible on CT imaging by radiologists.
               Using a pre-diagnostic cohort of 155 patients and a control cohort of 265 patients, CT scans were manually
               segmented, then radiomic CT features were extracted and selected. Four ML classifiers were trained, with
               Support Vector Machine performing the best in classifying CT scans as ‘pre-diagnostic’ or ‘normal’ when
               evaluating specificity, sensitivity, AUC, and accuracy (AUC, 0.98). All four ML models performed better
               than the radiologists, who performed with an AUC of 0.66 . This indicates the promising potential to use
               AI in conjunction with normal imaging to aid radiologists in detecting potential malignancy. Comparably,
               another study sought to increase pancreatic detection in tumors smaller than 2 cm, which are often missed
               by radiologists . Using a CNN-trained model, the pancreas and tumor were segmented from contrast-
               enhanced CT scans. This DL-based computer detection model was used in 546 patients with pancreatic
               cancer and a control group of 733 in Taiwan .
               One area of interest is the ability of radiomics to predict malignancy risk in patients with cystic IPMNs,
               which can transform to PDAC. IPMNs arise from the pancreatic duct and side branches and are estimated
               to account for approximately 10% of PDAC patients. Notably, 3% of the general population is estimated to
               have an IPMN, indicating that many of these lesions are benign . Predicting whether these neoplasms are
               malignant on imaging can be a valuable tool in early detection; however, current imaging assessment is
               challenging and not accurate in predicting malignancy risk. Still, the current Fukuoka International
               Consensus Guidelines (ICG) (and other guidelines) use morphological imaging features to guide the
               decision to proceed with surgical resection . This carries a risk of overtreatment, since pancreatectomy is
               associated with the highest rates of morbidity (40%) and mortality (up to 2%) among abdominal
               surgeries . Hanania  et  al.  previously  showed  the  correlation  between  radiomic  features  and
               histopathological grade of IPMNs. In their logistic regression model, an AUC of 0.96 was achieved in
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