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Body et al. Art Int Surg 2022;2:186-94     Page 190

               The Pittsburgh group analysed its RPD cases over a nine-year period, with three phases of surgeons:
               (1) those with no mentorship or curriculum; (2) those with mentorship but no curriculum; and (3) those
               with mentorship who underwent the robotic curriculum. The surgeons in the third category, despite having
               performed fewer operations, had shorter operative times, with less blood loss, lower transfusion rate, fewer
               complications and a shorter length of hospital stay .
               Despite these examples, more data are required to address the optimal metric for the assessment of the
               minimum number of cases needed to accomplish competency and acceptable outcomes. We would
               advocate routine and regular video assessment of procedures to demonstrate surgical proficiency in
               addition to patient outcome analysis. Multi-institutional, international registries are good sources of data
               and participation should be encouraged.

               Machine learning in robotic training
               Artificial intelligence (AI) can be defined as the development of computer systems to be able to perform
               tasks that normally require human intelligence. Machine learning (ML) is a subset of AI in which computer
               systems can learn and adapt using statistical models to analyse data patterns . The applications of both AI
               and ML are exponentially increasing in medicine, yet their use in surgery is still in its infancy. However, the
               arrival of more complex algorithms and higher-powered computing has recently allowed for an increase in
               the use of ML in surgery [51,52] , and ML is expected to revolutionise the operating theatre and surgical
               training. The increasingly widespread use of MIS and robotic platforms in surgery has the potential to
               provide a rich dataset of surgical videos for analysis. However, the challenges of applying ML algorithms to
               surgical video analytics are worth noting and have limited their effective use to date . There is variability in
               image quality, movement and smoke artefacts, and changing objects within the visual field and anatomical
               structures are not clearly visualised; they lie within and are covered by other tissues. Despite these inherent
               difficulties, more recently, groups have evaluated the use of ML algorithms in surgery with encouraging
               results. However, with small datasets, the accuracy of current algorithms must be interpreted with caution.
               Standardising robotic training and robotic procedures will reduce some of this intra-operative variability,
               thus enhancing the accuracy of ML tools. The use of automated video analytics can improve surgical
               education and enable self-directed learning both within and outside the operating room. The ethics of using
               surgical videos for data analysis and the creation of ML algorithms remain an important issue for discussion
               by international surgical bodies. Data protection laws provide a framework to prevent the misuse of data by
               healthcare providers and technology companies, but with the continued evolution of AI in surgery, these
               regulatory organisations must adapt to ensure that collaborations between surgeons and the industry gain
               appropriate patient consent.

               The groundwork for ML for operative interpretation has been surgical phase recognition. In this task, a
               dataset of MIS operative videos is input into the system that is being trained. Experienced surgeons annotate
               these videos with the operative phase or procedural step. These videos are then input as another dataset
               known as labelled training data to create the ML model. The created model aims to automatically assign the
               surgical phase in further operative videos . The more data the model receives, the more accurate the
               created algorithm. Most work published to date has looked at distinct operative phases during laparoscopic
               cholecystectomy, given that there are several large video datasets available to access . Jin et al. created an
               ML algorithm after analysing 107 cholecystectomy videos. This successfully assigned the seven operative
               steps of the procedure with 92.4% accuracy . Other researchers have similarly created algorithms that have
               correctly recognised the surgical phases in sleeve gastrectomy (mean accuracy 82% ± 4%) , cataract surgery
               (mean accuracy 96.5%) , laparoscopic sigmoidectomy (mean accuracy 91.9%)  and endoscopic myotomy
               [mean accuracy 87.6% (95%CI: 87.4%-87.9%)] . By combining automated surgical phase recognition and
               the routine recording of an individual surgeon or trainee’s procedures, operative efficiency and constructive
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