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Page 18 of 23        Zhou et al. Microstructures 2023;3:2023043

               In battery research, there is a continuous effort to develop new anode materials that can outperform
               graphite, the current benchmark, while remaining cost-effective . In 1976, Lai et al. suggested that Si could
               be a promising candidate for anodes, as it has the potential to store more lithium than graphite . However,
               Si anode batteries suffer from poor charge-discharge cyclability due to significant volumetric changes
               during cycling, leading to cracking and degradation. There has been a lack of analytical techniques with
               sufficient spatial resolution to study the role of lithium in this degradation process, which hampers rational
               material design to address the issue.

               Recently, Kim et al. made significant progress by utilizing cryo-FIB, cryo-transfer, and cryo-APT , based
               on the experimental method developed by El-Zoka et al. [Figure 5] . They applied the technique to analyze
               the elemental distribution in a battery system comprising a liquid electrolyte and a single-crystal Si anode
               after various charge-discharge cycles. In Figure 14A, the researchers successfully analyzed the frozen
               pristine liquid electrolyte, which contains 1 M LiPF  with a mixture of ethylene carbonate, (CH O) CO, and
               diethyl carbonate, OC(OCH CH ) , in a 1:1 volume ratio, using cryo-APT. They also provided a reference
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               APT dataset of the single-crystal Si [Figure 14A]. After one cycle, a fragment consisting of Si and Si oxide
               species (SiO ) was found in the frozen liquid electrode, indicating Si anode degradation [Figure 14B]. After
               25 cycles, Figure 14C revealed a GB of Si nanocrystalline decorated with SiO , confirmed by transmission
               electron microscope (TEM) analysis. These high-resolution elemental analyses of battery materials were
               made possible through the use of cryo-APT, which is sensitive to light elements, in combination with cryo-
               FIB, allowing the analysis of liquid samples. This breakthrough paves the way for more applications in
               advancing other lithium-based energy storage devices using liquid electrolytes.
               This article emphasizes the potential of cryo-APT and its combination with cryo-FIB specimen preparation
               for providing nanoscale elemental mapping of materials. Several examples were presented to showcase its
               applications in researching hydrogen in metals, liquid and organic specimens, and Li battery materials.
               However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of APT. Firstly, the cryo-APT and cryo-FIB
               instrumentation is still under development and not yet optimal. Integrating temperature-tracking into
               commercial LEAP and FIB systems for a complete thermal history of specimens remains challenging. This
               affects the quantitative measurement of specimen temperature and precise control of ice sublimation for
               high-quality biological specimen preparation .

               Secondly, the data yield of APT experiments is limited by a high tip fracture rate. The success rate for
               analyzing hydrogen-charged steel tips is currently lower than 10%, and it can be even lower for less
               structurally robust specimens with heterogeneous interfaces or organic matter. Additionally, APT is a
               destructive technique, making it impossible to reproduce measurements on the same specimen. This leads
               to a comprehensive APT analysis being highly challenging and time-consuming. Thirdly, similar to other
               high-resolution microscopy techniques such as TEM, APT has a limited field of view 50 × 50 × 300 nm .
               Meaningful APT observations require more sampling compared to other imaging methods, further
               complicated by the low data yield due to the high fracture rate.

               Despite these challenges, the future of cryo-APT looks promising, with various potential applications that
               can provide new insights in crucial scientific areas. For instance, a correlative imaging workflow can be
               developed to combine APT with TEM, enabling a direct correlation of hydrogen location and its effects [91,92] .
               It will also be interesting to correlatively apply imaging techniques that have wider fields of view than that of
               APT, such as X-ray-related techniques. This is vital for understanding hydrogen embrittlement and
               hydrogen storage. In analytical biology, cryo-FIB and cryo-APT can be utilized to study ionic transportation
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