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Singh et al.                                                                                                                                                         Myocardial protection in cardiac transplantation

           Allopurinol with glutathione act as antioxidants [40,41] . UW   BIOMARKERS
           limited ischaemic damage from prolonged storage and
           improved myocardial function in the early posttransplant   Cardiac troponins have largely replaced cardiac muscle
           period, thus allowing transplantation of organs with   enzymes (CK-MB) for the diagnosis of myocardial
           ischaemic times > 300 min [42] . Jeevanandam et al. [43]    infarction. Cardiac troponin T (cTnT) and troponin I (cTnI)
           performed a study comparing University of Wisconsin   are cardiac regulatory proteins that control the calcium
           solution with crystalloid cardioplegia to saline storage   mediated interaction between actin and myosin. cTnT
           and  noted  a  significant  improvement  in  mean  time   is also expressed in small amounts in skeletal muscles
           from reperfusion to achieving a stable rhythm, need for   as well. The role of post-operative troponin release as
           intraoperative defibrillation, need for cardiac pacing and   a prognostic factor for mid- and short-term all-cause
           CK-MB release over 48 h. They however also reported   mortality after adult cardiac surgery is accepted albeit
           higher CK-MB levels (335 IU) post-operatively despite   cut-off values are difficult to establish due to the variety
           a relatively shorter ischaemic time of 153 min when   of timing of the Tn testing, Tn subunit and Tn assays [59] .
           compared to the HTK group of Minami’s cohort [26] .  Its  prognostic  value  in  a  transplant  setting  however
                                                              has not been clearly understood. CK-MB and troponin
           Celsior                                            I  are released  immediately after transplantation and
           Dr Menasche and colleagues developed Celsior       depends on myocardial ischaemic damage, which is
           solution [44] . They utilised lactobionate and mannitol as   related to ischaemic time [60] .
           impermeants. Celsior also uses histidine as a buffer
           and glutamate as an energy substance alongside     De Santo et al. [60]  investigated troponin release after
           magnesium to stabilise calcium levels.  Unlike UW   cardiac  transplantation.  Data  from  362 consecutive
           which has a high potassium content, Celsior had    recipients were collated over 11 years. Target outcomes
           a  lower  potassium  content  and  a  high  sodium   included factors determining troponin release, early
           concentration. In canine models, Celsior had a similar   graft failure, rise in creatinine and operative death.
           cardioprotective profile as UW. Higher concentrations   This study depicted the largest group of adult cardiac
           of  potassium  results  in  increase  coronary  vascular   transplantation patients who had cTnI levels correlated
           resistance secondary to endothelial distension [45,46] . De   with perioperative morbidity and mortality reported in
           Santo et al.  compared the results of “high risk” grafts   the literature thus far. The pattern of troponin release
           vs. “standard” grafts using Celsior. They followed up   observed  was  similar  to  that  reported by  Minami.
           200 consecutive heart recipients with 73 in the high-  cTnI release > 10 μg/L proved to be an independent
           risk group (defined as 2 or more of the following: age   predictor for early graft dysfunction which in turn
           > 45, female, high pre-retrieval inotropic support, size   was a determinant of hospital mortality. Factors that
           mismatch > 20%, and ischaemia time > 180 min) and   predicted this rise included previous cardiac surgery,
           127 in the standard group.  There was no difference   left ventricular hypertrophy, increased ischaemic
                                                              time and transplant status 2B. Troponin proteins are
           noted between the two groups in terms of 1-year    intracellular proteins released primarily from cardiac
           mortality,  hospital  mortality,  histological  findings  and   myocytes  undergoing cellular  necrosis.  Perhaps
           patterns of enzyme release [47] .
                                                              surprisingly,  ischaemia/reperfusion injury  following
                                                              cardiac transplantation may not cause cellular necrosis
           Comparison of cardioplegic solutions               and occasionally troponin concentrations may not be
           Lee  et al. [48]  combined both the intracellular and   increased [61] .
           extracellular  cardioplegic  solutions  (HTK  and  StH).
           In their cohort of 31 patients, they demonstrated non-  Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is actively synthesized
           inferiority to other approaches. The theoretical benefits   and released from cardiac myocytes in response
           include  the  quick  initial  arrest  from  StH  alongside   to  ischaemia  and  inflammation [62] . It is not directly
           the  prolonged  effect  of  HTK  alongside  its  buffering   stimulated by surgical manipulation or cardiopulmonary
           mechanism.  The  effectiveness  of  HTK  has  resulted   bypass,  hence  its  role  as  a  biomarker  for  ischaemic
           in lower CK and lactate dehydrogenase levels in non-  reperfusion  injury  in  non-transplant  cardiac  surgery  to
           transplant cardiac surgery [Table 2] [48,49] .     predict post-operative dysfunction [63,64] . McIlroy  et al. [65]
                                                              studied  the  role  of  BNP  as  marker  for  myocardial
           Comparisons between the different crystalloid      ischaemic reperfusion in 25 consecutive patients
           cardioplegia solutions are difficult to extrapolate due to   following  cardiac  transplantation.  The  median
           the lack of direct comparisons. Several smaller animal   preoperative troponin-I concentrations were almost
           studies  however  do  suggest  potential  superiority  of   three-fold the upper limit of normal in both the donor
           HTK cardioplegia over the rest.                    and recipient. The donor BNP levels centred around

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