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Singh et al.                                                                                                                                                         Myocardial protection in cardiac transplantation

           Table 3: Modified Maastricht Classification of DCD [76]  was  performed  at  Papworth  Hospital [80] .  While it  is
           Classification Descriptions                        quoted that this may potentially increase the donor pool
           I            Dead on arrival and have not been resuscitated  by about 25% in the UK alone, several ethical issues
           II           Unsuccessfully resuscitated           arise from DCD heart procurement. These include the
           III          Typical controlled DCD, with planned cardiac   definition  of  death.  While  the  needs  and  feelings  of
                        arrest                                the donors and their families are noted, organ viability
           IV           Planned DBD that suddenly arrest during or   should be maintained and maximized. Organ donation
                        after the brain death determination                                              [81]
           DCD: donor after circulatory death; DBD: donations following brain   in itself should not be the reason for donor death  .
                                                              Another point noted by the Australian group was the
           by the Maastricht group [Table 3] [76] .           potential use of OCS for resuscitating marginal donors.
                                                              An estimated 60% of hearts offered are rejected for
           Of these, type I, II and IV are regarded uncontrolled   transplantation  and  the  introduction  of  OCS  may
           DCD. For these donors, cardiopulmonary resuscitation   therefore on paper at least, increase the number of
           is typically conducted until organ recovery procedures   suitable organs [82] .
           are employed.
                                                              HORMONAL THERAPY
           Iyer  et al. [77]  conducted a porcine orthotopic heart
           transplant using a DCD asphyxia model. Following 30 min   As  alluded  to,  the increasing recipient  waiting list
           of warm ischaemia, the hearts were allocated to    has  led  to  the  recruitment  of  so-called  “marginal”
           either OCS preservation of SOC with Celsior solution.   donors. Brain death usually succeeds a period of
           Following preservation, the OCS group demonstrated   variable intracranial pressure in which the term
           acceptable lactate profiles and all hearts out of this   “coning”  is  often  used.  The  classic  Cushing’s  reflex
           group were successfully transplanted whereas none
           of the hearts in the SOC group could be weaned off   of  increased  blood  pressure  and  reduced  heart  rate
           bypass.                                            is often discernible through monitoring and can lead
                                                              to deleterious effects on multiple organ systems if

           Dhital  et al. [78]   then  piloted  the  first  case  series  of   not managed appropriately. There is a compensatory
           Maastrict group III DCD cardiac transplants at St   arterial hypertension and bradycardia (Cushing’s
           Vincent’s  Hospital  (Australia)  using  the  OCS.  The   reflex) that is followed by sympathetic stimulation with
           3 recipients (2 men and 1 woman;  mean age 52      vasoconstriction, raised systemic vascular resistance
           years) received the transplants.  After periods of   and tachycardia (a triad called the catecholamine
           warm ischaemia < 30 min,  ex-vivo perfusion was    storm) [83] . There is a redistribution of blood volume that
           done with the OCS device to resuscitate, assess,   prompts visceral ischaemia and in one study, revealed
           and transport the donor hearts. Of these patients, 1   that myocardial injury occurs in 20-25% of DBD
           required mechanical circulatory support for 72 h post-  donors [84] , with echocardiographic imaging of cardiac
           operatively, with all 3 patients showing normal cardiac   dysfunction evident in up to 40% of DBD donors [85] .
           function within a week post-transplantation. Follow up   Following this catecholamine storm phenomena, there
           data shows patients are still making a good recovery   is a profound hypotension that results from a reduction
           at 176, 91, and 77 days after transplantation.The   in  sympathetic  tone  and  peripheral  vasodilation
           cohort included a fourth donor, a trauma victim, who   causing mass hypoperfusion of all organs, potentially
           was excluded as the warm ischaemic time was > 30   resulting in more organ dysfunction [86] .
           min (which did not meet the inclusion criteria).
                                                              Cooper  et  al. [87]   and Novitzky  et  al. [88]  noted that
           DCD donation however was not pioneered by this group.   several animal model studies carried out  in South
           In fact the first ever cardiac transplant by Barnard was   Africa in the 1980s demonstrated the catecholamine
           a DCD heart. Boucek et al. [79]  highlighted the first case   storm phenomena followed by profound hypotension
           series of DCD donations in the paediatric population   occurred with reduction in cortisol, insulin, thyroid, and
           owing to the higher waiting list mortality compared to   antidiuretic hormone levels, a switch from aerobic to
           adults. They successfully performed 3 transplants in   anaerobic metabolism and increases in inflammation
           the paediatric population and found no late deaths (3.5   markers and cytokines.  Hormonal  replacement
           years post-operatively) with functional and immunologic   resulted in recovery of cardiac function in both
           outcomes similar to those of controls.             experimental  animals  and  humans,  thus  protecting
                                                              the  donor  organs.  Registry  multivariate  studies
           In March 2015, the first DCD heart transplant in Europe   on hormonal treatment of brain-dead donors also

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