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Singh et al.                                                                                                                                                         Myocardial protection in cardiac transplantation

           depolarization.  Intracellular  calcium  sequestration   for cardiac preservation [Table 1] [23] .
           occurs via active transport across an ATP-dependent
           pump allowing relaxation of the myocardium in diastole.   Histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate (custodiol/
           Repolarization however is prevented by the high    bretschneider)
           potassium concentration of the cardioplegic solution.   Reichenspurner et al. [24]  studied the effect of histidine-
           Both  intracellular  and  extracellular  cardioplegic   tryptophan-ketoglutarate  (HTK)  in  a  cohort  of  600
           solutions have similar long-term outcomes [14] .   (524 male:76 female) patients undergoing heart
                                                              transplantation over a 10-year period (1981-1991).
           Norman  Shumway  first  noted  the  use  of  topical   They reported good results provided the ischaemic
           hypothermia   to  reduce   myocardial  metabolic   times were less than 4 h.
           requirements  in  1960  when  chemical  cardioplegia
           fell  out  of  favour [15] .  Denton  Cooley  then  attempted   Sung et al. [25]  compared Bretscheinder’s HTK solution
           intermittent  aortic occlusion and utilized Kay’s work   (18 patients) and cold blood cardioplegia (CBC) (49
           with intracoronary blood perfusion with cross clamp   patients) for myocardial protection in donor heart
           fibrillation [16-18] .                             preservation.  Cold  HTK  solution  was  infused  at  low
                                                              perfusion pressure after procurement and the donor
           Clinical cardioplegia was reintroduced in the 1970s by   heart  was  placed  in  a  sterile  bag  containing  HTK
           using a low-sodium solution by Bretschneider et al. [19]    solution. The CBC group heart was placed in St
           with potassium chloride [20]  that was reported as safe   Thomas’ Hospital (StH). The heart was covered with
           and allowed safer aortic cross-clamping allowing cold   ice-cold  saline  for  topical  cooling  and  packed  in  a
           crystalloid cardioplegic solutions to be in favour for   container  filled  with  ice.  Two  patients  (11.1%)  in  the
           general cardiac surgery. Blood was later introduced   HTK group died within 30 days of surgery due to right
           as  medium  for  cardioplegia  by  Buckberg  as  it  was   heart failure and pneumonia with septic shock. There
           later discovered  that reperfusion injuries  occurred   were 4 deaths (8.2%) in the CBC group due to acute
           in  crystalloid  cardioplegia  due  to  the associated   rejection (n = 2), right heart failure and pneumonia
           influence  of  calcium  and  oxygen  as  described   with septic shock. There was no statistically significant
           by Buckberg [21]   and  Hearse  et al. [22] . There are   difference between thebypass time, ischaemic time
           intracellular and extracellular types of crystalloid   short term outcomes, creatine kinase/CKMB/troponin
           cardioplegia which have become the gold standard   I values, length of ICU stay, and hospital stay between

           Table 1: Comparison of cardioplegic solutions contents
                                                   University of                                 St Thomas’s
                                        HTK [15]                    Celsior [14]  Eurocollins [17]
                                                   Wisconsin [16]                                Solution [18]
            Intracellular/extracellular  Extracellular  Intracellular  Extracellular  Intracellular  Extracellular
            Na +                          10            25             100            10            120
            K +                           10           120             15            115             16
            Ca  2+                      0.015           0              0.25           0              1.2
            Mg 2+                         4             5              13             0              16
            Cl –                         50             20              0             15            160
            Glucose                       –             0               0            180             0
            Others                      a-KG         Adenosine          0                            0
            Glucose                       0             0               0            195             0
              Hydroxyl-Ethyl Starch (g/L)  0            0              50             0              0
              Lactobionate                0             0              100            80             0
              Mannitol                   30             0                             60             0
              Raffinose                   0             0              30             0              0
              Phosphate                   0             25              0            100             0
              Bicarbonate                 0             0               0             10             10
              Histidine                  180            0              30                            00
              Osmolarity (mOsm/L)        310           330             320           375            320
              Glutothione                 0             2               3             0              0
              Allopurinol                 0             1               0             0              0
              Tryptophan                  2             0               0             0              0
           All units expressed in mmol/L unless otherwise indicated
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