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Singh et al.                                                                                                                                                         Myocardial protection in cardiac transplantation

           INTRODUCTION                                       to approximately 80% by the 80s.

           Cardiac surgery is a rapidly evolving specialty when   The number of heart transplants performed worldwide
           compared to other forms of surgery. In the 19th century,   continued to increase until the shortage of donors
           professor  Theodor  Billroth,  one  of  the pioneers  of   in the  1990s  became a limiting factor .  In 2005,
           modern  abdominal  surgery  once  stated:  “A  surgeon   almost half (48%) of patients had spent at least 2
           who tries to suture a heart wound deserves to lose the   years on the heart transplant waiting list worldwide
           esteem of his colleagues” in 1896 . In 1951, Russian   leading  to  challenging decisions  about  the  eligibility
           physiologist Vladimar Petrovich Demikhov performed   of  donor hearts.  Abuanzeh  et al. [10]  described steps
           the first thoracic transplants recorded. He transplanted   utilized  by  their  retrieval  team  to  optimize  donors.
           the heart and lungs of a male dog into a 3-year-old   This  was  included standardizing protocols  which
           female dog. The dog survived 6 days exhibiting normal   includes insertion of a pulmonary artery catheter and
           behaviour but succumbed to respiratory complications.   performance of cardiac output studies, weaning other
           This  was  the  first  recorded  history  of  any  animal   vasopressors and commencing arginine vasopressin,
           surviving any length of time with a transplanted heart   and administration of  hormone replacement.  This
           supporting its circulation .                       included tri-iodothyronine, methylprednisolone and
                                                              insulin. They managed to retrieve 14 additional hearts
           Stanford  University  Medical  Center  led  the  field  in   in that time frame (56% of the borderline hearts) after
           cardiac transplantation.  Norman Shumway  from  the   aggressive donor management and optimization [10] .
           University of Minnesota was well known for his work
           on myocardial protection. Along with Lillehei, they   Despite recent advances, myocardial protection
           would later lead the team that refined the technique   during heart transplantation remains a challenging
           of  orthotopic  heart  transplantation.  They  reported   avenue. With the increasing usage of borderline
           a series  of  orthotopic  heart  transplantations  in dogs   donor hearts as described, we review some of the
           and perfected a method that had been use previously   myocardial protection strategies and potential markers
           by Cass and Brock by preserving the recipient atrial   for perioperative myocardial infarction.
           cuffs . They had also first introduced the idea of cold
           cardioplegia. These experiments were successful but   CARDIOPLEGIA
           Shumway that  host immunologic mechanisms were
           destroying the graft and survival could be prevented   Ringer first noted the relationship between potassium
           by addressing these .                              and sodium concentration and the heart rate in
                                                              1883 [11] . Experimentations with potassium citrate were
           Shumway  searched for  biomarkers  to monitor      initially unsuccessful due to the excessive osmolality
           transplant rejection. Initial experiments with enzymes   due to the high-concentration potassium citrate [12] .
           (hypertensin  I)  were  unsuccessful.  He  settled  on   Most  cardioplegic  solutions  today  employ  a  more
           electrocardiography  as  a  monitor  but  noted  its   physiological osmolality and potassium concentration.
           limitations and pointed out that atrial fibrillation within
           7-21 days of transplant was an early sign of rejection .   Cardioplegic solutions are defined as intracellular and
           After working with transplant nephrologists, he    extracellular  solutions  based  on  the  concentrations
           assessed the potential benefits of immunosuppression   of sodium and potassium ions. Extracellular solutions
           (6-mercaptopurine, azathioprine, and prednisolone)   contain high levels of potassium, magnesium and
           and increased  survival by  up to 250 days  in dogs   sodium, while intracellular  solutions contain low
           receiving orthotopic transplants. Dr. Christiaan Barnard   electrolyte levels. Intracellular solutions mimic the high
           extended their pioneering work. Barnard undertook the   potassium/low  sodium  conditions  reducing  potential
           first  successful  human-to-human  heart  transplant  in   concentration gradients across the plasma membrane,
           December 1967 , before Shumway’s group followed    thereby  halting  potassium  efflux.  This  reduction  in
           shortly afterwards in January 1968.                membrane potential resting state prevents generation
                                                              of  action  potentials.  The  function  of  the  Na /K
           However,  the  initial  reported  1-year  survival  was   ATPase channel is reduced in hypothermic conditions,
           only 22%, resulting in most centers abandoning this   therefore  permitting  the  intracellular concentrations
           procedure . Shumway’s group at Stanford along      to persist [13] . Extracellular cardioplegia on the other
           with  other  contemporaries  (Cabrol’s  group  at  Paris,   hand works by preventing repolarization of myocytes.
           Lower’s  group  at  Virginia)  persevered and following   Potassium rich perfusate in the extracellular space
           introduction of cyclosporine, 1-year survival increased   reduces  the  membrane  voltage  difference  causing

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