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Singh et al.                                                                                                                                                         Myocardial protection in cardiac transplantation

           by RIC at cross-clamp times of 57-75 min (ratio of RIC/  Table design: S. Das De
           control = 0.757; P = 0.0348) and of ≥ 76 min (ratio of   Reviewing, editing, supervision: C. Spadaccio, C.
           RIC/control = 0.735; P = 0.0277) [146] . RIC theoretically   Berry, N. Al-Attar
           confers protection against ischaemia but not trauma
           during surgery (cannulation/handling); thus making   Financial support and sponsorship
           it plausible that in longer cross-clamp times, the   None.
           protection conferred by RIC becomes more overt due
           to the effect of ischaemic/reperfusion injury. Another   Conflicts of interest
           recent study what studied the effect of preconditioning   There are no conflicts of interest.
           with cyclosporine-A  (which prevents  MPTP  opening
           at the onset of reperfusion, thereby also reducing   Patient consent
           the incidence of ischaemic-reperfusion injury [147]  in   Not applicable.
           patients  undergoing  elective  CABG  revealed  similar
           findings,  with  the  cardioprotective  benefits  noted  at   Ethics approval
           longer cross-clamp times (85-120 min) but not in the   Not applicable.
           shorter (50-85 min) group [148] .
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