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Sinyov et al.                                                                                                                                                                       mtDNA mutations in buccal epithelium

           Table 1: Significance of rank differences in heteroplasmy levels between human buccal epithelium and whole blood
                               m.12315G>A       m.13513G>A       m.1555A>G        m.3256C>T      m.3336T>C
           Mann-Whitney U-test    8,167            7,761            7,625           6,554            595
           P value                0.20              0.18             0.36            0.08           0.80

           Table 2: Ranking of atherosclerotic plaques in the   mitochondrial genome mutations associated with this
           lumen of blood vessels of the brachiocephalic bed,   disease.
           depending on the degree of stenosis
           Atherosclerotic plaque size (points) Degree of stenosis (%)  To check  the distribution of  heteroplasmy values in
              0                                  0            different cell types and their association with gender,
              1                                 < 20          age, the degree of angiostenosis, and IMT, a correlation
              2                                 20-40         analysis of heteroplasmy levels in the buccal epithelium
              3                                 > 40
                                                              and whole blood was carried out.  The  parametric
                                                              variables  of age and IMT were compared with the
           heteroplasmy level of mitochondrial genome mutations   average heteroplasmy levels of the mitochondrial
           on different human diseases can be evaluated using   genome mutations m.12315G>A,  m.13513G>A,
           the percentage expression  of mutational  burden.  To   m.1555А>G, m.3256C>T, and m.3336T>C, while the
           determine the difference in heteroplasmy levels among   non-parametric variables of atherosclerotic plaques and
           samples, it is necessary to convert heteroplasmy   gender  were compared  with threshold  heteroplasmy
           levels into rank values using the threshold value of   level distributions. Variability was assessed according
           heteroplasmy  percentage.  It  should  be noted that,   to the available data on the size of an atherosclerotic
           despite the fact that the average heteroplasmy  level   plaque (in points) [Table 2].
           for a number of mutations was much lower than
           the threshold level (e.g. for mutation m.13513G>A,   A correlation analysis was performed between the
           the threshold  heteroplasmy  level was 32.5% while   threshold levels of heteroplasmy in the mitochondrial
           the  average value of  this  parameter for  the  buccal   genome  mutations  m.12315G>A,  m.13513G>A,
           epithelium  and whole blood was 15% and 14%,       m.1555А>G, m.3256C>T, and m.3336T>C in the buccal
           respectively),  some individuals  had heteroplasmy   epithelium and whole blood, and the atherosclerotic
           levels above the threshold level.                  plaque size, IMT, age, and gender of individuals from the
                                                              investigated sample [Tables 3 and 4]. The differences
           After ranking  the heteroplasmy  levels, differences   were  considered  significant  at  95%  probability  of
           in the  mutational burden distribution in buccal   faultless prognosis.  These analyses  found that the
           epithelium  and whole blood were determined using   heteroplasmy  level  of  mutation  m.1555А>G  in  the
           the Mann-Whitney  U-test  [Table 1]. As can be seen   buccal epithelium was significantly positively correlated
           in  Table 1,  the  threshold heteroplasmy  level of  the   with IMT and negatively correlated with age [Table 3].
           mutations  m.12315G>A,  m.13513G>A,  m.1555А>G,    In whole  blood,  the heteroplasmy  level  of mutation
           m.3256C>T,  and m.3336T>C, which are associated    m.1555А>G was significantly positively correlated with
           with atherosclerotic plaques, did not significantly differ   IMT, similar to the correlation in the buccal epithelium.
           between the buccal epithelium and whole blood.
           Consequently,  DNA  samples from  both the buccal
           epithelium and the whole blood may be of use for the   A range of scientific  publications  have  indicated  that
           molecular  genetic diagnosis  of atherosclerosis  using   mitochondrial genome mutations, which are associated

           Table 3: Correlation of heteroplasmy level of mtDNA mutations in human buccal epithelium with plaques, IMT,
           gender, and age
           Variable                           m.13513G>A   m.12315G>A   m.1555A>G    m.3256C>T     m.3336T>C
           Plaque  Spearman correlation coefficient   0.09     0.03        -0.11        -0.12        -0.02
                   P value                        0.31         0.78         0.22         0.19         0.81
           Gender  Spearman correlation coefficient   0.02    -0.02         0.15        -0.16        -0.10
                   P value                        0.87         0.79         0.10         0.10         0.33
           Age     Pearson correlation coefficient  -0.07     -0.13         -0.33*      -0.21        -0.06
                   P value                        0.40         0.16         0.01         0.20         0.56
           IMT     Pearson correlation coefficient  -0.07      0.14          0.53*       0.04        -0.05
                   P value                        0.40         0.12         0.01         0.67         0.61
           *Highly significant. mtDNA: mitochondrial DNA; IMT: intima-medial thickness
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