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Sinyov et al.                                                                                                                                                                       mtDNA mutations in buccal epithelium

           Table 4: Correlation of heteroplasmy level of mtDNA mutations in human whole blood with plaques, IMT, gender,
           and age
           Variable                         m.13513G>A    m.12315G>A    m.1555A>G    m.3256C>T     m.3336T>C
           Plaque  Spearman correlation coefficient  -0.01   -0.08          0.04        -0.02        -0.08
                   P value                       0.89         0.37          0.66         0.82         0.42
           Gender  Spearman correlation coefficient   0.10   -0.11          0.11         0.10        -0.10
                   P value                       0.29         0.21          0.22         0.30         0.32
           Age     Pearson correlation coefficient   0.04     0.08         -0.07        -0.11         0.03
                   P value                       0.68         0.34          0.43         0.25         0.79
           IMT     Pearson correlation coefficient   0.35     0.05          0.26*        0.07        -0.01
                   P value                       0.10         0.56          0.01         0.49         0.91
           *Highly significant. mtDNA: mitochondrial DNA; IMT: intima-medial thickness
           with several  human  diseases, can be unequally    suggest that defects in mitochondrial  ribosomes can
           distributed in tissues and organs. [15,16]  This has been   lead to a decrease in the protein chains of respiratory
           shown in research with both healthy participants   enzymes. This might result in decreased ATP synthesis
           and those affected by disease. [17,18]  Therefore,  we   in cells, leading to oxidative stress and the unlimited
           studied  the heteroplasmy  levels  of the mutations   proliferation of  mutant  cells. Such a process might
           m.12315G>A, m.13513G>A, m.1555А>G, m.3256C>T,      culminate in increased IMT  in the carotid arteries
           and m.3336T>C, which have been associated  with    and  the formation  of atherosclerotic  plaques  (i.e.
           atherosclerosis, and the distribution of these mutations   atherosclerosis).
           in different tissues and organs. To compare different
           cells and tissues,  we used  the  parameter of  the   In conclusion, the buccal epithelium  and whole
           threshold heteroplasmy level of mutations. This enabled   blood  are quite common subjects of investigation
           us to calculate  average differences in heteroplasmy   in medicine,  in particular  in the genetic  diagnosis  of
           levels  among samples  from various participants.   various human diseases. The data obtained during the
           This parameter  was calculated on the basis of  the   present study suggest that DNA samples from either
           correlation between mtDNA mutations and the degree   the buccal epithelium or whole blood can be used to
           of  atherosclerosis of  the arterial vessel wall.   The   determine the heteroplasmy levels of the mitochondrial
           results indicate the absence of significant differences   genome mutations m.12315G>A,  m.13513G>A,
           in threshold heteroplasmy levels of the mitochondrial   m.1555A>G, m.3256C>T, and m.3336T>C, which
           genome mutations m.12315G>A,  m.13513G>A,          have been associated with atherosclerosis. It should
           m.1555А>G,  m.3256C>T,  and  m.3336T>C  between    be emphasized that buccal epithelial samples are far
           human buccal epithelium and whole blood. In addition,   easier  to collect, making  this a preferable  tissue for
           we studied the variability of heteroplasmy levels in the   studying  the association  of mitochondrial  genome
           same mutations in participants with different IMTs and   mutations with atherosclerosis and the search for new
           different degrees of luminal occlusion. No correlation   biomarkers.
           between the heteroplasmy level of mtDNA mutations
           and atherosclerotic plaque size was found. This may   These findings will be of particular interest to specialists
           indicate an insufficient sample size to identify such a   in medical genetics and medical practitioners.
           relationship.  However,  a  significant  direct  correlation
           of  mutation  m.1555А>G  with  IMT  was  detected  for   Authors’ contributions
           DNA  samples from  both the  buccal epithelium and   Manuscript’s conception and writing: V.V. Sinyov, M.A.
           whole blood. In line with previous research, [16,19-21]  we   Sazonova, A.Y. Postnov, A.N. Orekhov
           found no correlation between the level of mutational   Data base fulfillment: V.V. Sinyov, M.A. Sazonova, A.I.
           burden and either gender or age, apart from an inverse   Ryzhkova, E.V. Galitsyna, A.A. Melnichenko
           correlation of mutation m.1555А>G with age in buccal   Manuscript’s revision: A.V. Grechko, I.A. Sobenin
           epithelial samples.
                                                              Financial support and sponsorship
           It is possible  that the data on mutation  m.1555A>G
           indicate that individuals  with a high heteroplasmy   This study was  supported  by the Russian  Science
           level of this mutation may have a higher IMT than their   Foundation (grant #14-14-01038).
           peers with lower heteroplasmy levels. It  is important
           to  note that  mutation m.1555A>G is  localized  in the   Conflicts of interest
           gene of subunit 12S of the mitochondrial genome. The   The authors declare that the research was conducted
           association  of this mutation with increased  IMT may   in  the  absence  of  any  commercial  or  financial

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