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Page 6 of 15                                                           Novotny et al. Vessel Plus 2022;6:51

                MI (%)                         5.9        4.6                  6.8       0.5677   17.8        18.5      17.2         0.8501
                PPM/ICD (%)                    9.3        16.1                 4.2       0.0038   20.2        26.2      14.1         0.0870
                Depression (%)                 7.3        5.8                  8.5       0.4586   10.9        10.8      10.9         0.9755
                Bipolar disorder (%)           1.0        2.3                  0.0       0.1782   0.0         0.0       0.0          -
                Schizophrenia (%)              0.0        0.0                  0.0       -        1.6         0.0       3.1          0.2448
                Dementia (%)                   0.0        0.0                  0.0       -        3.1         4.6       1.6          0.6260
                Bicuspid aortic valve (%)      1.0        0.0                  1.7       0.5103   0.0         0.0       0.0          -
                Syncope (%)                    0.5        0.0                  0.9       1.0000   0.0         0.0       0.0          -
                Dyspnea (%)                    3.4        3.5                  3.4       1.0000   3.9         4.6       3.1          1.0000
                Chest pain (%)                 2.4        3.5                  1.7       0.6621   2.3         3.1       1.6          1.0000
                Hyperlipidemia (%)             53.7       63.2                 46.6      0.0184   67.4        69.2      65.6         0.6621
                Elevated lipoprotein (%)       0.0        0.0                  0.0       -        0.0         0.0       0.0          -
                History of mitral valve repair or replacement (%) 19.0  16.1   21.2      0.3583   11.6        13.9      9.4          0.4283
                AAA (%)                        2.4        2.3                  2.5       1.0000   1.5         0.0       3.1          0.2477
                Non-rheumatic aortic stenosis (%)  55.6   49.4                 60.2      0.1259   64.3        72.3      56.3         0.0569
                Rheumatic heart disease (%)    6.8        11.5                 3.4       0.0283   8.5         7.7       9.4          0.7322
                Obstructive sleep apnea (%)    12.7       8.1                  16.1      0.0867   10.9        9.2       12.5         0.5506
                Leukemia (%)                   0.5        1.2                  0.0       0.4244   1.6         3.1       0.0          0.4911
                Lymphoma (%)                   1.0        1.2                  0.9       1.0000   0.8         1.5       0.0          1.0000
                CKD with dialysis (%)          1.0        2.3                  0.0       0.1810   4.7         4.6       4.7          1.0000
                CKD without dialysis (%)       19.0       23.0                 16.1      0.2144   39.5        38.5      40.6         0.8016
                Iron deficiency anemia (%)     13.7       9.2                  17.0      0.1101   13.2        13.9      12.5         0.8212
                Rheumatoid arthritis & collagen vascular   3.9  3.5            4.2       1.0000   5.4         3.1       7.8          0.2743
                diseases (%)
                Fluid & electrolyte disorders (%)  2.0    4.6                  0.0       0.0319   0.8         1.5       0.0          1.0000
                Pulmonary hypertension (%)     18.1       26.4                 11.9      0.0073   22.5        26.2      18.8         0.3139
                Thrombocytopenia (%)           31.7       34.5                 29.7      0.4634   16.3        16.9      15.6         0.8417
                Hypothyroidism (%)             11.7       12.6                 11.0      0.7203   19.4        15.4      23.4         0.2473
                IABP (%)                       3.4        5.8                  1.7       0.1327   0.8         0.0       1.6          0.4945
                Elixhauser mortality index score  13.60 ± 11.15  15.14 ± 11.02  12.47 ± 11.16  0.0896  14.45 ± 10.55  15.43 ± 10.61  13.45 ± 10.48  0.2888
                Elixhauser readmission index score  22.20 ± 14.59  23.67 ± 14.68  21.13 ± 14.49  0.2198  30.52 ± 15.60  30.43 ± 15.45 30.61 ± 15.87  0.9485
               r-SAVR: Redo surgical aortic valve replacement; viv-TAVR: valve-in-valve transcatheter aortic valve replacement; AF/AFL: atrial fibrillation/flutter; CHF: congestive heart failure; CAD: coronary artery disease;
               COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; MI: myocardial infarction; PPM: permanent pacemaker; ICD: implantable cardiac defibrillator; AAA: abdominal aortic aneurysm; CKD: chronic kidney disease; IABP:
               intra-aortic balloon pump.
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