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Page 6 of 12                                            Bair et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2020;7:68  I

                Doucet and Crawford [33]  1981 55  Severe (n =   Unilateral levator disinsertion with   Bilateral fascial suspension had
                                             34); mild-  bilateral (n = 2) or unilateral (n = 12)  superior outcomes as compared to
                                             moderate (n =  fascial suspension; Fasanella-Servat  other treatments or no treatments
                                             21)       procedure (n = 1); Motais-Parinaud
                                                       procedure (n = 11); levator excision
                                                       only (n = 26); no treatment (n = 17)
                Ho et al. [24]  2017 8 out   N/A       Levator muscle excision; frontalis   Presence of MGJWS had poorer
                                     of 319            suspension; frontalis muscle flap   outcomes after surgical correction for
                                     patients          advancement (procedures not   congenital ptosis
                                     with ptosis       stratified by MGJWS status)
                Cates and Tyers [21]  2008 7 out of 13  N/A  Bilateral frontalis brow suspension   The researchers report satisfactory
                                     patients          after bilateral levator excision  cosmetic results with good symmetry
                                     with ptosis                                 of lid movement and position
                Morris et al. [34]  2008 7 out of 89  MRD1 > 2 mm Silicone rod frontalis suspension  The surgery was found to be modestly
                                     patients                                    effective (57% cases improved).
                                     with ptosis                                 Postoperative eyelid symmetry (< 1
                                                                                 mm = satisfactory)
                Ibrahim [35]    2007 3 out of 8  N/A   Use of the distal portion of levator   Synkinetic muscle movements
                                     patients          aponeurosis as a flap for frontalis   disappeared, and hence, it is an
                                     with ptosis       suspension (similar to the Neuhaus/ effective treatment
                                                       Lemagne method)
                Dave et al. [22]  2019 43 out of   Severe (n = 91) Frontalis sling with silicone; unilateral Outcomes were not stratified by
                                     95 patients       levator excision          association with MGJWS. For all
                                                                                 ptosis repairs, as compared to LR,
                                                                                 FS gives a better eyelid elevation but
                                                                                 also has greater regression requiring
                                                                                 more surgeries
                Kemp and MacAndie [23]  2001 3 out of 29 NA  Unilateral levator excision followed   MGJWS was associated with poorer
                                                       by bilateral Mersilene mesh brow   outcomes
                Neuhaus [11]    1985 1       Severe    Unilateral levator transection with   No residual aberrant eyelid
                                                       distal levator muscle and aponeurosis movement
                                                       for frontalis suspension (Neuhaus/
                                                       Lemagne method)
                Lemagne [17]    1988 1 out of 2  Severe  Unilateral levator transection with   Synkinetic muscle movements
                                                       distal levator muscle and aponeurosis disappeared. Moderate ptosis
                                                       for frontalis suspension (Neuhaus/  recurred 6 months postoperatively
                                                       Lemagne method)           but was later corrected with an
                                                                                 additional levator excision
                Xiang et al. [36]  2010 13   Minimal (n =   Unilateral anastomosis of levator and For moderate-to-severe MGJWS,
                                             1); moderate (n  frontal muscles    this procedure provided generally
                                             = 7); severe (n                     satisfactory outcomes of both ptosis
                                             = 5)                                and jaw-winking
                Manners et al. [37]  1996 28 out of   2-4 mm (n =   Unilateral levator transection with   This method was effective in
                                     35      20); 5-7 mm (n distal levator muscle and aponeurosis eliminating jaw-winking. Ptosis often
                                             = 8)      for frontalis suspension (Neuhaus/  required additional levator excision to
                                                       Lemagne method)           resolve
               NA: not available

               In studies with internal comparison of techniques, there was an apparent advantage of bilateral levator
               excision with bilateral frontalis suspension over other procedures. Khwarg et al.  reported that 100%
               of patients (19/19, including 3 who had bilateral MGJWS) who received bilateral levator excision with
               bilateral frontalis suspension saw significant improvement of ptosis, vs. only 40% of patients (2/5) who
               saw improvement after unilateral levator excision with bilateral frontalis suspension; across all operated
               eyelids, 37% (10/27) saw complete resolution of jaw-winking, while 48% (13/27) had mild residual jaw-
               winking. Bowyer and Sullivan  reported that all patients (13/13) who received bilateral levator excision
               with bilateral frontalis suspension had complete resolution of jaw-winking, vs. all 4 patients who received
               unilateral levator advancement who had persistent jaw-winking, despite the former group having more
               severe baseline MGJWS.

               There was also an apparent slight advantage of unilateral levator excision with bilateral frontalis suspension
               over unilateral levator excision with unilateral frontalis suspension. Doucet and Crawford  reported
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