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Page 10 of 12                                            Bair et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2020;7:68  I

               Table 6. Outcome measures reported in case series and retrospective reviews
                                   Postoperative jaw-
                Author(s)                                MRD-1        Upper eyelid excursion  Eyelid height
                Bajaj et al. [15]  Resolution (< 1 mm of   N/A       Lid lag 1.20 ± 0.48  Postoperative
                                excursion of upper eyelid                               lagophthalmos was 0.80
                                with synkinetic mouth                                   ± 0.88 mm. Amount of
                                movement) in three                                      ptosis correction 2.40 ±
                                patients. Improvement                                   0.50
                                in MGJWP (> 2 mm
                                decrease but > 1 mm of
                                excursion of upper eyelid
                                with synkinetic mouth
                                movement) in seven
                Betharia and Kumar [14]  Resolution in all patients  N/A  N/A           “Good correction” in
                                                                                        66.6% of patients;
                                                                                        lagoptalmos average 2 mm
                Bartkowski et al. [29]  Resolution in 84% of   N/A   N/A                68% of patients had
                                patients; improvement in                                proper width and
                                31.6% of patients                                       symmetry of palpebral
                                                                                        fissures. Remaining had
                                                                                        marked improvement
                Park et al. [30]  Moderate degree of   N/A           N/A                “Ideal”
                                residual jaw-winking
                Shah et al. [31]  Resolution in 39.1% of   From -1.13 ± 0.916 to 3.17 ±  N/A  Ptosis correction was
                                patients, “improvement” in  0.865 mm                    “good” in 65.21% of
                                47.8% of patients, and no                               patients and “fair” in
                                improvement in 13.04% of                                26.08% of patients
                Khwarg et al. [19]  Resolution in 37.0% of   For bilateral frontalis   Only initial excursion was  N/A
                                patients, mild winking (1   suspension with unilateral  recorded: poor (≤ 4 mm) in
                                mm or less) on the lateral  levator excision: 40% of   22.2% of eyelids, fair (5-7
                                jaw movement in 48.2% of patients had “good” and   mm) in 19%, and good (8
                                patients           “60%” had poor results.   mm or more) in 59%
                                                   For bilateral frontalis
                                                   suspension with bilateral
                                                   levator excision: 68.4%
                                                   of patients had good and
                                                   31.6% had fair results
                Bowyer and Sullivan [13]  Unilateral levator   N/A   Only initial excursion was  Improved
                                advancement: persistent.             recorded: poor (≤ 4 mm)
                                Bilateral levator weakening          in 7% of eyelids, fair (5-7
                                with bilateral frontalis             mm) in 25%, and good (8
                                suspension: resolution               mm or more) in 68%
                Ning et al. [32]  Resolution in all patients  From -0.57 mm to 2.96 ±  Preoperative mean   Postoperative palpebral
                                                   0.48 mm.          excursion was 3.69 ± 1.09  fissure height of the
                                                                     mm                 operated eye in primary
                                                                                        gaze was 7.93 ± 0.58
                                                                                        mm, with no significant
                                                                                        difference to the
                                                                                        unaffected side
                Demirici et al. [16]  Resolved in 97% of   N/A       From 7.5 ± 2.3 mm for the  Upper eyelid margin
                                patients, improved (from 6           ptotic eyelid and 13 ± 2.2   distance from 0.1 ± 1.8 to
                                mm to 2 mm) in 3%                    mm for the normal eyelid,  1.1 ± 0.9 mm
                                                                     to 3.2 ± 0.9 mm for the
                                                                     ptotic eyelid and 10.3 ±
                                                                     3.3 mm for the opposite
                                                                     normal eyelid
                Doucet and Crawford [33]  For bilateral suspension:   N/A  N/A          Moderate/severe ptosis
                                resolution. For unilateral                              in 37.5% of patients with
                                suspension: no                                          levator muscle excision
                                improvement                                             and 8.3% of patients
                                                                                        with unilateral fascial
                Ho et al. [24]  N/A                Final MRD-1 > 3 mm in   N/A          Lid height determined by
                                                   25% of patients                      MRD-1
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