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Babu et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2017;4:13-4                                          Plastic and
           DOI: 10.20517/2347-9264.2016.104
                                                                                  Aesthetic Research

            Letter to Editor                                                                    Open Access

           Five “Ds” of plastic surgery

           Preethitha Babu, Ravi Kumar Chittoria, Sudhanva Hemanth Kumar, Senthil Kumaran Marimuthu, Elan Kumar
           Subbarayan, Konda Sireesha Reddy, Vinayak Chavan, Devi Prasad Mohapatra, Meethale Thiruvoth Friji, Dinesh
           Kumar Sivakumar

           Department of Plastic Surgery, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Pondicherry 605006, India.
           Correspondence to: Dr. Ravi Kumar Chittoria, Department of Plastic Surgery, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and
           Research, Pondicherry 605006, India. E-mail:

           How to cite this article: Babu P, Chittoria RK, Kumar SH, Marimuthu SK, Subbarayan EK, Reddy KS, Chavan V, Mohapatra DP, Friji MT,
           Sivakumar DK. Five “Ds” of plastic surgery. Plast Aesthet Res 2017;4:13-4.
           Article history: Received: 05-12-2016       Accepted: 09-12-2016       Published: 19-01-2017

                           Dr. Ravi Kumar Chittoria is born and brought up in Delhi, India. He completed his post graduation (MCh plastic surgery
                           from Mumbai), post doctorate (PhD in plastic surgery) and MBA (hospital administration) in India. He received higher
                           training in laser surgery from Boston Medical Centre, Boston University, USA, and endoscopic plastic surgery from
                           Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He is recipient of 29 awards including BMJ Award, author of 3 textbooks, 5
                           chapters, chief editor of 3 journals, more than 120 publications with 1 patent. At present he is the Professor and Head
                           of Department of Plastic Surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry, India.

           Although there are  a  variety of definitions  that   alteration of the human body and includes cosmetic or
           describe plastic surgery, confusion persists in the   aesthetic surgery, reconstructive surgery, craniofacial
           minds of both the lay public and doctors. A common   surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment
           lay misconception is that actual pieces of plastic are   of burns.  The term “plastic” is derived from the Greek
           used to repair injured tissues or placed over defects to   word plasticos that means “mouldable”. [3]
           make them appear better. On the other hand, resident
           doctors from specialities such as ear-nose-throat   From a practical perspective, it is imperative that every
           and general surgery fail to appreciate the vast scope   practising plastic surgeon has a clear reconstructive
           that plastic surgery specialty entails. In recognition   plan for every case that is salient and easily recalled.
           of this, trainee plastic surgeons are often asked to   To this end, we have distilled this into five categories
           briefly define our specialty in their final exams, so that   represented by the following five “Ds”:
           subsequent misconceptions are minimized.           1. Defect - Loss or breach in tissue continuity;
                                                              2. Deformity - Alteration in shape and contour;
           Plastic surgery is a specialised branch of surgery that is   3. Dysfunction - Abnormality and impairment of a bodily
           primarily concerned with deformities of the integument   organ or system;
           and underlying musculoskeletal system.  It is a surgical   4. Disability - Impairment, limitation of activity and
           specialty involving the restoration, reconstruction, or   participation;

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