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Ogundipe et al. Iliac-bone graft reconstruction for benign mandibular pathology
vascular supply to the host tissue from multiple incisions with low complication and failure rates. Careful
required for the combined approach. [23,32] selection of patient, availability of adequate soft tissue
cover, rigid fixation with the use of plates, tension free
PRP was used in one of the studies in this review and water tight soft tissue closure are factors that seem
the authors claimed that it was one of the possible to contribute significantly to the success of grafting in
factors responsible for the high success rate obtained use of NVICBG for mandibular reconstruction following
in their study. [32] Previous studies have also claimed the ablative surgery for benign mandibular lesions.
enhancement of PRP on bone healing although animal
studies have failed to demonstrate unequivocally the DECLARATIONS
beneficial effect of PRP on bone healing. [33-37] On the
other hand, other studies in the review got comparable Authors’ contributions
or even better result despite not utilizing PRP. [23,26] Concept and design, analysis and interpretation,
Therefore it may be difficult to ascribe the outcome to writing and revision of manuscript and approved final
any beneficial effect of PRP as claimed by the authors. draft: O.K. Ogundipe
A well-designed randomized control trial may be needed Design, analysis and interpretation, writing and revision
to clarify any possible effect of PRP on graft success. of manuscript and approved final draft: O.O. Gbolahan
Factors previously identified as determinant of outcome Financial support and sponsorship
such as age, gender, histologic type, type of incision None.
and method of fixation did not appear to be associated
with failure or success of bone grafting in this review. Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of
The complication rate and failure rate are low interest regarding the publication of this article.
suggesting that in selected cases with appropriate
surgical resection margins, NVICBG done as a Patient consent
primary procedure is an attractive option especially Not applicable.
in resource scarce nations. It saves the patients the
cost of a second surgery and as the ablation and graft Ethics approval
harvesting can be done simultaneously, duration of
procedure does not have to be extended. Immediate Not applicable.
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142 Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ August 29, 2017