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Ogundipe et al.                                                                                                                          Iliac-bone graft reconstruction for benign mandibular pathology

           No. of records identified through No. of additional records identified   RESULTS
              electronic database - 868  through other sources - 47
                                                              Initial elecronic searches of MEDLINE and Cochrane
                                            No. of records after   retrieved 868 articles as potentially  eligible,  47
                                           duplicate removed - 0  publications were identified from other sources. After
                                                              initial review of the titles and abstracts, 53 articles
                        No. of records screened - 915         were accepted for  further  consideration, and 862
                                                              were rejected [Figure 1]. Of the 53 articles accepted
                                          No. of records excluded   for  further  consideration, 46 were excluded because
                                                 - 862
                                                              they did not meet the inclusion criteria which left 7 full-
                       No. of full text articles assessed     text articles for further consideration and analysis. Of
                             for eligibility - 53             the 7 included articles reviewed, all were retrospective
                                                              cohort studies except 2 which were prospective
                                          No. of full text excluded   longitudinal studies.
                                                 - 46
                          No. of full text include in         A total of 127 patients treated with NVBG were included
                           qualitative analysis - 7           in this  review.  Gender characteristics  were reported
                                                              in all  the articles with slight  female  preponderance
                                                              (female 65/127,  51.2%; male 62/127, 48.8%).  Age
                          No. of full text included in        was reported as mean in all publications ranging 24.6-
                        quantitative meta analysis - 7
                                                              31.6 years.  Table 1  shows the study characteristics
           Figure 1: Flow chart                               of  the publications.  All the  articles reviewed except
                                                              one  reported the histologic  diagnosis  of the lesions
           failure of immediate mandibular reconstruction of post   for which mandibular  resection was carried out.
           ablative  continuity defect of benign  pathology  using   Majority of  the lesions were ameloblastoma  -  80
           NVICBG.                                            (74.8%),  followed  by  ossifying  fibroma  -  9  (8.4%)
                                                              [Table 2]. Segmental mandibulectomy  was done in
           Articles that referred to infants or patients treated with   100 patients (78.7%) while the remaining 27 (21.3%)
           radiation, had a diagnosis of malignancy, were being   had  hemi-mandibulectomy. Both intra and  extra oral
           grafted for reasons other than benign pathology and   incisions were utilized in 100 patients (78.7%) with the
                                                              remaining 27 (21.3%) receiving only intra oral incision.
           those that  did not report a follow up of  at  least six   Reconstruction  plate  was  the  method  of  fixation  in
           months were excluded. Reviews and case reports of   the  majority 87/127 (68.5%) while stainless steel
           a single case were not included. The title and abstract   wire/intermaxillary fixation was used in the remaining
           of the identified articles were screened based on these   40/127 (31.5%). Autologous platelet rich plasma was
           criteria after  which the  full text  of  all eligible  articles   used as graft enhancement  in 32/127 patients.  The
           were retrieved for further analysis.
                                                              follow up period was presented as means, of which the
           Extraction of data                                 highest was 7 years and lowest was 6 months.
           A proforma was used to extract data from the eligible   Recipient site complications such as infection, wound
           articles. Information extracted included primary author,   dehiscence,  etc. were reported in 16/120  [Table  3]
           year of  publication, study  type,  age and number of   patients giving a complication rate of 13.3%. The case
           patients, method of fixation, follow up, and documented   series did not clearly report complication in the 7 cases
           complication and failure. Extent of defect was classified   presented however none of the cases failed as at last
           as segmental and hemi-mandibulectomy defect.       review. Overall failure rate was 4/127 or 3.1%. Of the
                                                              4 cases that failed, 2 were reported by 1 publication
           For this review, recipient site complication was counted   while 1 each was reported by other 2. All failures were
           as per patient irrespective  of the number. Failure  is   due to  uncontrollable  infection, 2  occurred in hemi-
           defined  as  inability  to  control  infection  necessitating   mandibulectomy defect while the remaining 2 occurred
           graft  loss  or removal. Whenever possible, factors   in segmental defect. One of the failed reconstruction
           associated with failure were identified.           had been enhanced with platelet rich plasma (PRP).
                                                              Age, gender, type of incision and method of fixation did
           Statistical analysis                               not appear to affect failure rate.
           Descriptive  statistics was used for analysis.  The
           characteristics of the included  publications  were   Only 22 patients (10 implants and 12 acrylic partial
           summarized and presented in tables.                dentures) received prosthesis following reconstruction.
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ August 29, 2017                    139
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