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Loh et al. FPL repair
We tested our repair on table by flexing and extending
the thumb IPJ five times, and ensured tendon gliding
and excursion was not compromised. The thumb
was splinted with a dorsal blocking splint in slight IPJ
flexion. If on table tendon rupture or inadequate tendon
excursion and gliding occurs despite the techniques
performed above, a two-stage tendon reconstruction
is then indicated.
Authors’ contributions
Manuscript preparation: C.Y.Y. Loh, A. Tan
Manuscript review: M. Tare
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
Patient consent
Ethics approval
Not required.
Figure 1: Schematic diagram illustrating the tips and tricks used for
getting more out a primary FPL tendon repair. FPL: flexor pollicis REFERENCES
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136 Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ August 25, 2017