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Keren et al.                                                                                                                                                                           NMR for human fat graft assessment

           INTRODUCTION                                       without  the  difficulties  of  manual  collection  of  the
                                                              dispersed small fat droplets at the end of the study.
           Autologous fat transplantation for soft-tissue
           augmentation has become increasingly popular in    METHODS
           recent years. For more than a century fat grafting has
           been used for facial contouring, breast augmentation,   Isolation and preparation of human fat tissue
           breast  reconstruction after  mastectomies,  post-  Fat  was  harvested  from  the  thigh  of  a  50-year-old
           traumatic  deformities,  congenital anomalies and   woman undergoing suction-assisted lipectomy under
           burn injuries. [1-3]                               general  anesthesia.  Prior  to  commencement  of  the
                                                              procedure, the areas of aspiration were injected with a
           Fat tissue is abundant, readily available, inexpensive,   local anesthesia solution containing lidocaine (0.5%)
           host  compatible,  associated  with low morbidity and   and adrenaline in order to decrease bleeding during
           can be harvested easily  and repeatedly. However,   fat  aspiration  and  relieve  pain  after  the  procedure.
           according  to the literature, there is a varied overall   The fat was aspirated using a 14-gauge 3-hole blunt
           survival rate of the fat graft in the range of 20-70%. [4-6]  cannula, and then processed under sterile conditions
                                                              for  subsequent  grafting  into  nude  mice  within  2  h  of
           Aspirated fat  tissue used for autologous  fat     collection. Following aspiration, the fat-containing syringe
           transplantation is devoid of blood microvessels which   underwent 2 rounds of centrifugation (1,200 rpm, 10 min
           have been destroyed during aspiration and removed   at room temperature) and then was placed vertically
           during processing prior to injection. Therefore, the fat   for 10 min. [14-18]
           tissue that is injected into a recipient is considered
           to be an ischemic  fat cell  mass. During  the early   Between centrifugations, the three different layers
           period  following transplantation, the fat transplant   (oil,  adipose  and  fluid)  were  separated.  After  the
           exists  under hypoxic and hypo-nutritional  conditions.   last centrifugation,  the adipose  layer was collected
           Revascularization  fail to be initiated  in this early   and loaded into 2 mL syringes. All procedures  were
           period, apoptosis  ensues and results in late fat   performed under sterile conditions. [19]
           cell degeneration,  low viability and ultimately fat
           resorption. [7]                                    The participant gave her written informed consent, and
                                                              the study was reviewed and approved by the Helsinki
           In order to maximize  the surface area and hence   committee of the Rambam Health Care Campus and
           exposure to blood supply of the graft, surgeons now   the institutional review board of the Technion Animal
           inject very small aliquots of  fat  grafts  into multiple   Care and Use Committee.
           subcutaneous tunnels (Coleman’s technique). [8]
                                                              Animals and study design
           We previously developed  a novel animal model in   The study was composed of nine 7-week-old female
           which human fat  was grafted into the scalp area of   CD-1  nude  mice (Envigo, Jerusalem,  Israel). Seven
           nude mice. [9-13]  This model allowed  investigation of  the   mice received transplants of human fat, while two mice
           mechanisms of fat absorbtion and exploration of the
           efficacy of new compounds, with potential to increase   served as controls without human fat transplantation.
           the vasculature and viability of  fat grafts. [14-18]  In this   The animals were housed in a specific pathogen-free
           previous  model,  fat was  grafted as a bolus  to allow   room, with 1 animal per cage in a room with an artificial
           ease of collection and analysis.
                                                              12 h light/dark cycle at a constant temperature range
           However, a bolus has a relatively small surface area   (24 ± 2 ℃) and relative humidity (55 ± 10%). The mice
           in contact with vascularized  tissue, and therefore
           the center  of  the graft  suffers  from  higher rates of
           ischemia, necrosis and resorption. Therefore, a new
           and more clinically relevant animal model needed to
           be developed.

           In this manuscript, a new animal model is presented
           which is consistent  with the clinically relevant
           Coleman fat grafting technique in which small droplets
           are transplanted, and a new assessment tool (NMR)
           is  used  [Figure  1].  Using  this  technique  allowed
           measurement of the small fat droplet content in vivo,   Figure 1: Nuclear magnetic resonance device
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