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Elkhatib                                                                                                                                                                                                Extended running W-plasty

           Table 2: Summary of 5-point Likert scale
           Questionnaire                   Very satisfied  Satisfied    Unsatisfied  Very unsatisfied  Not sure
           Improvement of hygiene           All patients     _              _              _            _
           Improvement of sexual intercourse  All patients   _              _              _            _
           Painful scar                     All patients     _              _              _            _
           Improvement in appearance and shape  All patients  _             _              _            _
           Elimination of fungal infection  All patients     _              _              _            _
           Improvement of physical exercise  All patients    _              _              _            _
           Improvement in sense of well-being  All patients  _              _              _            _
           Ability of patients to wear a fitted size  All patients  _       _              _            _

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