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Table 2: Showing recovery after treatment and complications
           No. Maximum      Episodes of dislocation during period of observation       Maximum      Complications
               mouth opening                                                           mouth
               preoperative   1st and 2nd  3rd week  1st month 3rd month 6th month 1 year  opening in mm
               in mm        week
           1   38           -         -        -         -        -        -           38           Mild pain
           2   39           Yes       -        -         -        -        -           38           -
           3   42           -         -        1         1        -        -           40           -
           4   39           -         -        -         -        -        -           38           Mild pain
           5   40           Yes       Yes      Yes       Yes      Yes      Lost follow up -         -
           6   39                     -                                                36           -
           7   37           Yes       Yes      Yes       Yes      Yes      Yes         Not applicable  Recurrence

           8   38           -         -        -         -        -        -           34           -
           9   39           -         -        -         -        -        -           36           Mild pain
           10  42           -         -        -         -        -        -           40
           11  46           Yes       Yes      Yes                         Treated by   -           Recurrence
           Mean mouth opening (preoperative) 39.9                 Mean mouth opening 37.2 mm (postoperative)

                           A                                    B                                                  C                                    D
           Figure 3: Temporomandibular joint view showing pre and post autologous injection radiographs. A: Pre-injection left side; B: post autologous blood
           injection; C: pre-injection right side; D: post autologous blood injection

           by gagging of molar teeth, anterior open bite or long face   injections of sodium psyllate, sodium  murrhoate  and sodium
           appearance. The etiology of recurrent dislocation is not known,   decyl sulphate  have been used with limited success. Brachmann
           however, the pathogenesisis involves soft tissues or bone.   was first to use intrarticular injection of autologous blood for
           Involvement of tissues is related with weakness of ligaments or   treatment of RTMJD. Schulz  re-described the technique for
           laxity of capsule.  At bone level, abnormal size of eminence or   the treatment with good results. However, still very little is
           shallow glenoid fossa, may another contributing factor. Certain   known about the use of autologous blood in this condition, we
           systemic diseases like Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, Ehler Danlos   decided to document our experiences of intrarticular injections
           syndrome and antipsychotic drugs which may cause extra   of autologous blood in RTMJD. This technique is simple, non-
           pyramidal reactions, have also been attributed as predisposing   invasive, and safe and can be performed under local anesthesia
           factors.                                            or intravenous sedation on outpatient basis.

           Recurrent dislocation induces traumatic effects on all the   METHODS
           structures of joint including disc, ligament and capsule. Various
           surgical and non-surgical and surgical treatments have been   A total of 11 patients (4 males, 7 females) with age range between
           employed to treat chronic recurrent dislocations of TMJ but   43-73 years (mean age 58.6 years) who attended the OPD of
           none has received universal approval,  thus attempts are still   Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Ziauddin
           on finding an amicable treatment of this problem.   Ahmed Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh Muslim University,
                                                               Aligarh, India with chief complaint of inability to close the mouth
           Among conservative, nonsurgical treatment intra articular   which very often remained open during routine activity of the
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