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Figure 1: (a) Showing markings for canto-tragal line; (b) two points marking for double puncture arthrocentesis followed by blood injection at the
         posterior mark

         Figure 2: (a) Arthrocentesis using two point puncture in temporomandibular joint technique; (b) autologous blood injection
         Table 1: Age, gender, duration of disease, frequency and treatment outcome
         No. Age Gender Duration of  Frequency of   Average  History of previous  Period of   Post treatment recurrence
                        disease in  dislocation per week frequency treatment  follow up in
                        months                      per week                  months
         1   43   M     12        3-4               4.2      -                24        No
         2   45   F     6         3-5                        -                18        No
         3   48   F     12        4-6                        -                24        No
         4   51   M     24        2-3               4.4      Yes, bandage     12        No
                                                             to restrict mouth
         5   53   F     5         5-6                        -                16        Yes
         6   55   M     36        3-4                        Yes, IMF,        18        No
         7   52   F     18        4-6                        -                26        Yes
         8   56   F     12        5-6                        Yes, medications,   24     No
                                                             bandage to restrict
                                                             mouth opening
         9   62   F     36        3-4               4.3      -                18        No
         10  67   F     12        4-6                        -                20        No
         11  73   M     48        Innumerable       -        Yes, injections and   24   Yes
         IMF: intramaxillary fixation
         Chronic recurrent dislocation of TMJ (RTMJD) may occur as results   like blow on the chin while mouth is open, injudicious use of
         of routine activity of life, like excessive yawning, laughing loudly,   mouth gag during general anesthesia or excessive pressure on
         vomiting or opening mouth too wide for eating, due to trauma   the mandible during dental extraction, and is characterized
         122                                                                     Plast Aesthet Res || Volume 3 || April 25, 2016
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