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Original Article                                   Plastic and Aesthetic Research

          Simultaneous expander and deep inferior

          epigastric perforator reconstruction:

          indications and alloderm sling technique for

          protecting the anastomosis

          Elizabeth Stirling Craig, Ajul Shah, Sarah Persing, Jeffrey Salomon, Stefano Fusi
          Department of Surgery, Section of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520, USA.

          Address for correspondence: Dr. Ajul Shah, Department of Surgery, Section of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Yale University School of
          Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520, USA. E-mail:

                Aim: Autologous tissue is considered the “gold standard” for breast reconstruction today. However,
                little is known about deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap reconstruction in combination with
                tissue expander (TE)/implant. The authors describe a series of combined DIEP flap/TE reconstruction,
                including its indications and technique  to ensure protection  of the  pedicle during the  expansion
                process. Methods: Between January 2009 and December 2012, patients undergoing immediate DIEP
                with TE reconstruction were retrospectively reviewed. Oncologic, comorbid conditions, intraoperative,
                postoperative expansion, complications, and technique data points were collected. Photographs were
                taken postoperatively and patient’s satisfaction surveys were obtained to assess overall satisfaction.
                Results:  Five  patients  underwent  immediate  DIEP  flap/TE  reconstruction  utilizing  our  alloderm
                sling  technique.  There  were  no  complications  to  the  pedicle,  flap,  expander,  or  mastectomy  skin
                perioperatively  or  postoperatively.  All  patients  describe  being  very  satisfied,  often  with  improved
                breast volume and projection as compared to their preoperative appearance. Conclusion: The results
                of this study suggest that DIEP flap/TE reconstruction is safe, in particular when utilizing the alloderm
                sling  technique,  and  should  be  considered  in  patients  who  lack  sufficient  abdominal  tissue,  have
                existing breast asymmetries, or do not desire the scar deformity of latissimus dorsi.

                Key words:
                Alloderm, autologous, breast cancer, breast reconstruction, deep inferior epigastric perforator, tissue

          INTRODUCTION                                        recently  the  deep  inferior  epigastric  perforator  (DIEP)
                                                              flap, is  now considered the  “gold standard” for breast
          The overall goal of breast reconstruction is to recreate the   reconstruction due to its ability to recreate natural and
          most naturally appearing and feeling breasts for patients   aesthetic  results.  However,  not  all women  have sufficient
          with breast cancer who are treated with mastectomies.   abdominal tissue  to  make  an  aesthetically  appearing
          Autologous reconstruction with either  the transverse   breast. Often, in these cases, an alternative technique
          rectus abdominus myocutaneous  (TRAM)  flap,  or more   for breast  reconstruction  is  the  latissimus  dorsi  (LD) flap
                                                              with an expander/implant. Miller  et  al.  demonstrated
                         Access this article online           that TRAM flap  reconstruction can be simultaneously
               Quick Response Code:                           performed  with  placement  of a  tissue  expander  (TE) to
                                   Website:                   provide improved volume and projection in safe manner
                                                              for patients who have a thin body habitus with medium
                                                              to large‑sized breasts. Donor site and aesthetic outcomes
                                   DOI:                       proved to be statistically improved in patients who
                                   10.4103/2347-9264.153201   underwent TRAM/implant reconstruction when compared
                                                              to LD/implant reconstruction.  Figus et al.  applied these
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