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to limit potential injury to the flap during expansion).   a relatively easy dissection, it provides a rather small
          The subpectoral placement is the standard technique   skin paddle and thin,  fat pad, which limits  its  utility
          for expander reconstruction, leading to fewer capsular   for reconstruction of small to medium‑sized  breasts.
          contractures and better  concealing  the outline of the   Furthermore, atrophy of the gracilis muscle may cause
          expander. [1,2,4,8]  Initially, saline was not immediately infused   secondary volume and contour  deformities, requiring
          into  the  expander for fear that  it  could indirectly injure   additional corrections. [10,11]  The PAP flap has a relatively
          the flap through pressure. However, in our subsequent   long vascular pedicle and the scar may  be hidden in
          cases various amounts of saline were infused into the   the lower buttock crease. However, there may be scar
          expander and changes  in  the  implantable  Doppler,  flap,   tenderness causing problems with sitting, visibility of the
          and overlying mastectomy skin was directly visualized.   scar in  swimwear or underwear,  and asymmetrical  donor
          If  any  of these  variables  were  negatively  affected by  the   site with unilateral breast reconstruction.  Fat grafting is
          expansion, the volume was decreased. In our cohort,   an option for increasing  volume,  but  it  requires  multiple
          there were no reoperations, partial or total flap losses,   procedures and often does not allow for large volume
          hematomas,  infections,  implant failures,  or asymmetries.   augmentation  in  excess  of 150 mL  or more.  Although
          In contrast to previous reports, our cohort demonstrated   this is certainly an option for revision and touch ups, the
          no seromas in relation to the initial  expansion of the   authors routinely do not use large volume fat grafting to
          expander at the time of surgery.  We do, however, place   augment the volume of DIEP flap reconstruction.
          drains within the expander pocket and continue them   This cohort has the limitations inherent to any small
          until the output is < 30 mL  for 24 h. Furthermore,  the   cohort and retrospective  review,  which include the
          cohort described is  the  initial  experiences  with  the   difficulties in making generalizations from a small
          described technique,  and thus  is  currently  too small  to   sample size.  Despite  the  potential benefits  of combined
          make translatable conclusions.
                                                              DIEP/expander reconstruction in patients desiring larger
          Our  data  supports  the  proven  safety  of  combined  TRAM   breasts  or with insufficient  abdominal tissue,  women
          and DIEP/implant  procedures  as  well  as  the  excellent   who smoke or have significant co‑morbidities may not be
          aesthetic results achieved with this procedure. [1,2,4,8]    appropriate candidates for this technique.
          Furthermore, there is evidence that combining an implant   In this retrospective review, we demonstrate that combined
          with autologous tissue appears to reduce implant related   DIEP/expander reconstruction is safe and provides excellent
          complications in previously irradiated breasts.  If a patient   long‑term aesthetic results. We report our experience to
          has a unilateral defect, stacking two DIEP flaps on top of   further support the notion that combined DIEP/implant
          one another can often provide sufficient tissue to recreate   procedures  can  have  superior  aesthetic  results  when
          a  single  breast.  However,  in  cases  where  the  patient   compared to many of the alternative procedures in this
          desires  larger  breasts  and the contralateral breast  needs   select group of  patients. [2,5,6]  In  addition,  we describe
          augmentation [Patient 4, Table 2 and Figure 4], combining   a technique that may assist surgeons in preventing
          a stacked DIEP flap with an expander/implant is an option.   any inadvertent injury to the pedicle when performing
          This technique  achieves the volume and projection the   simultaneous  DIEP  flap/expander  reconstruction
          patient desires by utilizing an implant, and gives a natural   and using the IMA/IMV as the recipient vessels. The
          feel  and  appearance by  utilizing  an  overlying  DIEP  flap.   alloderm  technique  may  provide  plastic  surgeons  with
          As suggested by Figus et al.,  an implant/expander can be   the confidence to offer patients this technique as an
          combined with a DIEP flap to address preoperative breast   alternative  to  traditional  LD/implant techniques.  This
          asymmetries.  In our cohort, one patient demonstrated   technique offers the ability to use an expander in women
          these  asymmetries  [Patient  5,  Table  2],  and a  275 mL   whose overall breast size is not yet finalized and who soft
          expander was placed in one side and a 400 mL expander   tissue envelope will not support a sizeable implant.
          in the other to provide a more symmetric  appearance.
          A  noted alternative to simultaneous augmentation  with
          DIEP flaps is to address any asymmetries  is fat grafting.   REFERENCES
          However, the advantage of using an implant is to correct
          the asymmetry immediately  and eliminate  the  need for   1.   Koshima I, Moriguchi T, Soeda S, Tanaka H, Umeda N. Free thin paraumbilical
                                                                  perforator‑based flaps. Ann Plast Surg 1992;29:12‑7.
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          to  be  more  complex and time  intensive.  The  dissection   5.   Tadiparthi S, Alrawi M, Collis N. Two‑stage delayed breast reconstruction with
          of the muscle for the SGAP is technically difficult and   an expander and free abdominal tissue transfer: outcomes of 65 consecutive
          possesses a relatively short vascular pedicle. There is   cases by a single surgeon. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2011;64:1608‑12.
          also the possibility for contour deformity and asymmetry   6.   Roehl KR, Baumann DP, Chevray PM, Chang DW. Evaluation of outcomes in
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          of the buttocks, particularly  in the case of unilateral   implants. Plast Reconstr Surg 2010;126:349‑57.
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