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tissue  necrosis, reduce edema, control infection,  support
                                                              healing, and prevent reperfusion injury. [9]
                                                              At the authors’ institution, a strategy has been developed
                                                              to overcome these difficulties and to successfully manage
                                                              these patients with a combined approach that maximizes
                                                              tissue  perfusion and oxygenation,  allowing for surgical
                                                              correction of such injuries. The current treatment
                                                              algorithm [Figure 6] begins with surgical debridement and
                                                              initiation of HBO therapy in the immediate postoperative
                                                              period. HBO provides supersaturation of the plasma with
                                                              oxygen,  allowing a several‑fold increase  in the oxygen
                                                              diffusion gradient. Combination  of the modalities allows
                                                              preservation  of  marginal  tissue,  prevention  of  advancing
                                                              ischemia and hypoxia and maximum preservation of heel
                                                              pad tissue.  This approach has been  used in the current
          Figure 5: Angiosomal pattern of the heel pad and plantar foot region
                                                              series of 27  patients, achieving maximal preservation of
                                                              the heel pad with a return to ambulation.
          the plasma is increased through hemoglobin‑bound
          oxygen, facilitating oxygenation of the deprived tissue,   Out  of 27  patients,  the  avulsed flap was  distally‑based in
          stimulating angiogenesis, fibroblast proliferation, leukocyte   12  patients, distally and laterally based in 7  patients and
          oxidative killing, antibiotic synergy, toxin inhibition and   distally and medially based in 5 patients. In 2 patients the
          vasoconstriction. Vasoconstriction significantly reduces   flap had proximal and distal connections with disruption
          tissue  edema  without  hindering  oxygenation.  Decreasing   in the medial and lateral aspects, and in 1 patient the flap
          edema is desirable in complicated plastic surgical wounds to   was continuous in only the lateral and medial aspects. In
          relieve pressure on the surrounding vessels and structures.   all cases, initial wound debridement was carried out and
          Oxygen delivery also  leads to  mature collagen formation   HBO therapy sessions were started. If flap coverage was
          and stimulates angiogenesis.  Ulkür  et  al.  illustrated the   required, surgery was scheduled as soon as the patient
          usefulness of HBO treatment during the delay period of   was stable. HBO therapy was withheld on the day of
          the flap which can both decrease the time period needed   surgery and recommenced on postoperative day one. When
          for the delay procedure and increased the effect of the flap   skin grafting was performed at a later date, surgery was
          delay. The current study illustrates the utility of hyperbaric   followed by six sessions of HBO therapy. Out of 20  cases
          therapy in the treatment of heel pad avulsion injuries.   of partial avulsion, one flap was anchored with a K‑wire
          Most heel pad avulsion injuries with partial continuity act   from the orthopedic department, and then referred to
          similar to a delayed flap. Hence, considering the valuable   plastic surgery for soft tissue management. Nineteen cases
          heel pad tissue and the need for its preservation at any   of partial heel pad avulsion were closed primarily. Eight
          cost, management should include a modality which can   patients out of 20 required skin grafting as a secondary
          potentially enhance vascularity and wound healing potential   procedure at a later date. Split‑thickness skin grafting was
          during the period of demarcation of necrotic tissue.  the method of choice when adequate soft tissue padding
          Hyperbaric oxygen therapy utilizes 100%  oxygen at   was present. In the authors’ experience, the risk of calcaneal
          pressures greater than atmospheric pressure. In the   bone exposure was decreased in patients treated with HBO
          current study, HBO was administered in a Monoplace   therapy. Split thickness grafting can suffice if adequate soft
          chamber in which a single patient is placed in a chamber   tissue padding is present.  However, there is a need for a
          that is  then pressurized  with  100% oxygen.  The pressure   randomized controlled study of the preservation of heel
          inside  the  chamber  is  adjusted,  ranging  from  2.0 ATA  to   fat pad tissue following HBO therapy. Out of 7  cases of
          2.4 ATA for duration of 90 min. As an adjunct to surgery   complete avulsion, 1 patient was managed by full‑thickness
          and antibiotics,  HBO  therapy  can significantly  decrease   skin grafting. The benefit of HBO therapy is greatest in
          costs and complications.  Vasoconstriction reduces edema   cases  in which relatively large  areas  of tissue  are  grafted,
          and tissue swelling while ensuring adequate oxygen   as in full‑thickness skin grafting.  One patient with a heel
          delivery  and is  thus  useful  in  acute  trauma  wounds.   pad defect was treated by reverse sural artery flap coverage,
          Hyperoxygenation  of the  crush  injury  and compartment   and four patients were managed by free tissue transfer.
          syndrome  followed by  flap salvage  results  in  immune   Among the free tissue transfer cases, 2 were latissimus
          stimulation  by  restoring  white  blood cell function  and   dorsi muscle flaps, 1 was a gracilis muscle flap and one was
          enhancing phagocytic capabilities.  Neo‑vascularization in   an anterolateral thigh flap. There were no complications
          hypoxic  areas  is  augmented  by  fibroblastic activity  and   following any flap transfers. The patients in the current
          capillary growth.  Adequate shock  management, direct   series did not experience the common side effects of HBO
          surgical intervention with debridement,  repair of soft   therapy, including aural or pulmonary barotrauma and
          tissues  and any damaged vessels,  and stabilization  of   transient reversible myopia during the treatment session.
          bony elements  are of paramount importance. Adjuvant   No recent literature is available on management of heel
          HBO can be given early to prevent large regions of   pad avulsion injuries using surgery and HBO therapy
          ischemic necrosis, minimize  the frequency and extent  of   as  a  combined  modality.  Other  advanced  wound  care
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