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of the “downslope”  loads  created by the anatomy of the   Check reins
          articular surface of the distal radius.             Treatment  of proximal  interphalangeal (PIP) joint
                                                              contractures  is  often  reported to  be  less  than  optimal.
          Stenosing tenosynovitis or trigger finger           The volar plate at the PIP joint is a unique structure that
          The effects of the interaction between synovium and   prevents hyperextension  at the PIP joint and absorbs
          collagen  can  be  seen  in  trigger  fingers.  In  stenosing   enormous  compression  loads. The  PIP  volar plate is
          tenosynovitis of the finger flexors, there is a thickened   a  thick,  strong  fibrocartilaginous  structure,  lined  on
          retinaculum or pulley that constricts the osseofibrous   the  volar  surface  by  peritendinous  synovium  of  the
          tunnel through which the tendon runs.  Chronic      fibro‑osseous  sheath  and on  the  dorsal surface by  joint
          synovial  irritation  affects  collagen  deposition  in  the   synovium.  These 2 layers of synovium  lie on either  side
          A1  pulley  and  leads  to  a  progressive  thickening  and   of the thin joint capsule  at the lateral sides of the volar
          sometimes metaplasia of the pulley [1‑3]  [Figure 1]. During   plate.   Inflammation  of  these  two  different  synovial
          sleep,  edema  collects  in  the  tendon  proximal  and   surfaces  influence  each  other  and produce the  unusual
          distal to the pulley. The symptomatic sequelae include   abnormal collagen hypertrophy termed the checkrein
          stiffness in the mornings as patients open and close   ligaments. These do not exist in the normal state but are
          their fingers to “milk” the fluid back into the natural   produced under the influence of this “synovial sandwich.”
          shape  of  the  tendons,  or  “locking”  of  the  fingers   When  treating  contractures  of  the  PIP  joints,  one  must
          if a nodule is too big to pass through the pulley.   release these pathological structures in order to increase
          Conservative treatment may include steroid injections,   the  movement  in  the  joint.  Results  of a  study  using  this
          splinting and activity modification. If this fail, surgery   technique  indicated full intraoperative  extension  in  110
          is indicated.  A release of the A1 pulley increases   of 115 joints, with 2 joints requiring a collateral ligament
          space  to  allow  normal  tendon  gliding.  Surgery  has   release.  Three  of the 115 digits  required a second
          been shown to be more successful in the absence of   checkrein release after intraoperative gains were not
          diabetes. [5]                                       maintained. [9]
          The  collasyn  theory  explains  why  there  is  an  increased   Peripheral arthritis
          incidence of stenosing tenosynovitis (trigger finger) in the   Peripheral arthritis is secondary to synovial traction
          thumb  and little finger following carpal  tunnel surgery.   and inflammation. Osteophytes and abnormal cartilage
          Infection can move from thumb to little finger through   build up on the joint periphery. It is hypothesized that
          the common synovial lining between the thumb, the   the areas of synovial attachment are responsible for the
          carpal tunnel  and the  fibro‑osseous  sheath  of  the  little   synovitic influence on collagen and bone formation.
          finger flexors. Surgery on the carpal  tunnel produces   With chronic synovial inflammation, the mechanical
          inflammation of this communicating synovium,  which   traction at the synovial attachment point may play a
          then has its hypertrophic effect on the collagen of the A1   part but the inflamed synovium communicates with
          pulleys.                                            the bone collagen resulting in osteophyte formation.

          Fourth extensor compartment synovitis               Resecting these bone areas along with excision of
          Collasyn pathology is also seen in the extensor     involved synovium results in clearing of the patient’s
          retinaculum.  Patients  with  fourth  extensor  compartment   symptoms and significantly extending joint longevity.
          stenosing  tenosynovitis  develop a  thickened  retinaculum.   This  occurs  without  having  altered  joint  mechanics  at
          In  performing  ultrasound evaluation,  Zhou  et  al.   found   the time of surgery.
          that with increased extension of the wrist, the contact   Distal radioulnar joint
          area between the extensor retinaculum and  the extensor   This approach has been used in the treatment of
          tendons decreased, causing increased friction. We have   arthritis in the distal radioulnar joint  (DRUJ). The
          found that a release  of the  septa between  the fourth   treatment of DRUJ degenerative arthritis following
          and fifth extensor compartments without releasing the   failure of conservative treatment such as splinting
          external retinaculum is  all that is needed to provide   and antiinflammatory medication includes complete
          sufficient room for the tendons. [7]                elimination of  the  arthritic  joint,  as  popularized  by
                                                              Darrach,  a hemiresection‑interposition technique,  the
                                                              matched distal ulna resection  or the Sauvé‑Kapandji
                                                              procedure, as well as ulnar head or total joint
                                                              replacement.  A modified DRUJ arthritis technique
                                                              based on the concept of proximal to distal progression
                                                              of degenerative joint disease at the DRUJ has been
                                                              described  [Figure 2]. The proximal one‑third to
                                                              one‑half of the articular surface is typically resected
                                                              around the entire circumference of the joint. In
                                                              one published study, all patients noted significant
                                                              improvement in symptoms.  One patient went on to
                                                              have  a  matched  ulna  arthroplasty.  In  another  report  on
          Figure 1: The A1 pulley thickens in response to synovitis and constricts
          the flexor tendons                                  results of 29  patients, 5  (17%) had additional surgery
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