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and osteogenesis properties. [1,2]  However, its limitations   METHODS
          include additional surgical exposure required for graft
          harvest, limited bone supply and associated donor site   Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells isolation
          morbidities. [3,4]  Vascularized bone grafts from various   and expansion
          locations including the fibula, scapula and iliac crest may   Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM‑MSCs) were isolated
          be  indicated  to  stimulate  bone  formation  and promote   from rabbits and cultured as reported previously. [9,11,13,15]  The
          healing. However, harvest requires a complex microsurgery   BM aspirates (5 mL) were obtained from  the  femurs  of
          procedure, with the additional risk of including graft   5  rabbits  that  were  8  weeks  old.  The  BM  aspirates  were
          necrosis due to vessel thrombosis. [5,6]  Allografts may be a   layered over a Ficoll gradient and centrifuged at 2,000 rpm
          reasonable alternative, as small cancellous  allografts can   for 20 min at room temperature. Mononuclear cells at
          remodel completely. Larger grafts may  be  incorporated   the interface were collected and cultured in Dulbecco’s
          by  limited  intramembranous  bone formation.  However,   Modified Eagle Medium‑Low glucose supplemented with
          allografts  may  increase  the  risk  of infectious  disease   15% fetal bovine serum (FBS), 10 mM L‑glutamine, 10 ng/mL
          transmission.                                       epidermal growth factor, 10 ng/mL β‑fibroblast growth factor
          Recent  progress  in  the fields  of  biotechnology  and   and 1% antibiotic antimycotic solution (10,000 U/mL
          tissue  engineering  has  offered  new  options  for  the   penicillin, 10 mg/mL streptomycin and 25 µg amphotericin B)
          repair of traumatic and nontraumatic bone defects.   (Sigma‑Aldrich, USA). Cultures were maintained in a CO
          Mesenchymal stem cells  (MSCs), which are multipotent   incubator (Shel Lab, USA) at 37 °C and 5% CO . The medium
          adult stem cells of mesodermal origin, have been shown   was replaced after 3  days and cell  layers  were  washed
          to play a critical role in tissue engineering. MSCs are   twice with phosphate‑buffered saline to remove nonadherent
          an  excellent  potential  source  of  cells  for  bone  tissue   cells. The passage was carried out when cultures reached 90%
          engineering due to their excellent renewal ability and   confluence  using 0.25% trypsin‑ethylenediaminetetraacetic
          osteogenic differentiation  capabilities. [7,8]  In addition to   acid (Sigma‑Aldrich, USA). Cell confluence was normally
          the bone marrow (BM), MSCs are also derived from the   achieved after 12‑14 days. [14,16‑18]
          periosteum. It is well known that the development and   Scaffold materials
          regeneration of bone depend on the presence of periosteum   Human  demineralized cancellous bone  (HDCB), which
          and BM.  When transferred to the site of  bone  damage,   is a type of DBM and has been  proven to be usable as
          MSCs multiply and differentiate into osteoblastic  cells,   scaffold material, was used in this experiment. HDCB was
          contributing to the production of bone tissues that form   supplied from the Bone Bank at the National Institute of
          a callus at the bone defect site.  Alternatively, bone   Burns. Fresh bones were aseptically harvested within the
          tissue engineering can be achieved via intramembranous   first 12 h after being  shown to be free of any infectious
          ossification. [11]                                  disease. Bones were treated with H O , a mixture of
          The  use  of MSCs  with  an  appropriate  scaffold has   methanol/chloroform, hydrochloric  acid and phosphate
          been demonstrated to be promising in guiding bone   buffer pH  7.4. Subsequently, the bones were dehydrated
          tissue neoformation after implantation in the host. Cell   for 24 h  until  the  water  content  remaining  in  the  bones
          repopulation can be achieved either by direct cell loading   was less than 5%. The bones were cut into blocks with
          or indirect cell induction with osteogenic factors. [12,13]    dimensions  of  1.5 cm  ×  0.3 cm  ×  0.5  cm.  A  medullary
          Combining  MSCs with appropriate scaffolds  has been   hole was made in the bone blocks  with a diameter of
          shown to improve the overall osteoconductivity of the   1.5 mm. The block was packaged and sterilized by gamma
          scaffold. The  search for an ideal scaffold has  led to the   irradiation at a dose of 25 kGy. The sterilized bones were
          development of  reconstructive  options to  engineer   then preserved at 4 °C.
          new bone  (NB) tissue.  The ideal scaffold  should be   Tissue engineered bone graft preparation in vitro
          biocompatible, noninfectious, resorbable, osteoconductive   Culture‑expanded BM‑MSCs were seeded evenly onto the
          and osteoinductive.  Demineralized bone matrix  (DBM),   HDCB scaffold.  DHCB/BM‑MSCs were cultured in T flasks
          which is derived from either  allogenic or xenogenic   (Thermo Scientific Nunc A/S, Denmark) filled with 5  mL
          bone,  is  available commercially for clinical application   DMEM  containing  10% FBS and antibiotics.  The grafts
          and satisfies  some  of these  requirements.  DBM has   were placed  in a vacuum desiccator and treated at a
          been  used for several decades in humans for the    pressure of 100 torr for 100 s, after which they were
          treatment of nonunion and bone defects following injury   incubated at 37 °C, 5% CO  for 2 weeks. The medium was
          or  tumor  resection.  The  process  of demineralization   replaced every 3 days. [2,19‑21] 2
          using hydrochloric  acid destroys potential bone forming
          agents, but also decreases antigenic stimulation and may   Animals and surgical procedure
          expose the bone morphogenic protein located within the   Twenty‑eight male 8‑week‑old white New Zealand rabbits
          bone  matrix. [1,4]   This  study  is  designed  to evaluate  the   with a body weight of approximately 1.5  kg from the
          bone formation properties of a demineralized cancellous   Experimental  Laboratory of the Medical Training  and
          bone scaffold  seeded with allogenic MSCs, with or   Research Center, Hue Central Hospital, were used for
          without periosteum, in a critical sized bone defect model   the study. All the experimental  study involving animals
          in rabbits.                                         was approved by  the  Institutional Animal  Care  and Use

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