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a              b                       c
          Figure 15: Complications of the vertical vector lift.  (a) Vertical pleating
          (large  arrow) and lower  eyelid  skin  excess  (small arrow). The  latter  is
          corrected by  pinch blepharoplasty,  which requires  a 2‑cm incision;
          (b) patient treated alio loco, presenting  with vertical pleating in the
          neck;  (c) patient  treated  alio  loco presenting  with  excess  skin  in  the
          lower eyelid

          the tragus can indicate that a facelift has been performed.   Figure 16: Creating the pretragal fovea. Trimming the flap to the dermis
          In men, the hair follicles should be meticulously trimmed,
          taking into consideration the desired sideburn shape and   crescent‑shaped skin excision which continues into the
          the fact that shaving the tragus (and under the earlobe)   membranous septum and which may be reduced in height
          is  a  nuisance  and may  lead to  repeated  bleeding.  Two   if the nasolabial angle requires sharpening and a hanging
          4‑0 Vicryl sutures in this location will support lifting and   columella is present. Otherwise, a full transfixion incision
          shaping of the pretragal fovea.                     divides the  medial crural footplates and the  caudal
                                                              septum.  The dermis of the central lip is then suspended
          Trimming under the earlobe should also be conservative.   to it with a 4‑0 PDS suture. The columella can then slide
          The anterior skin flap created during the resection of   upward slightly with the footplates for the elevation of
          excess skin can usually be pulled behind the earlobe to   the nasal tip [Figure 17].
          determine  how much needs to be resected. Because the
          earlobe will be pulled forward and downward by gravity   Earlobe reduction can be performed with marginal excision
          and  collagen contraction during the first few weeks   and fine sutures, although removal of a full‑thickness
          following surgery, the shape of the skin flap should push   medially  based  wedge  produces  better  results.  The
          the earlobe upward and backward [Figure 14].        facial skin flap is pulled up behind the newly formed
                                                              earlobe to allow for proper cephalad  repositioning
          Skin closure with 5‑0  nylon starts at the superior end of   [Figures 18 and 19].
          the incision and continues down to the earlobe, stopping
          behind  the  earlobe  and repositioning  it  upward and   Recommended sequence
          backward.                                           •  Premedicate
                                                              •  Mark locations of the suspension loops and extent of
          FIBRIN GLUE                                            dissection
                                                              •  Secure intravenous access
          The use of vacuum drains and extensive bandaging is not   •  Prep and drape
          recommended.  Fibrin  glue  spray is  preferred  to prevent   •  Mark incision lines
          hematomas, ecchymosis, seromas and discharge [Video 7].   •  Intravenous sedation
          The sealant should be applied  while the wound is still   •  Infiltrate of local anesthetic in the anterior neck for
          open (0.5 mL each side) to allow air to escape and prevent   submental liposuction
          venous air embolism.  The wound bed is  dried by    •  Perform submental liposuction
          introducing a  suction  drain  connected to  the  central   •  Perform nerve block anesthesia and infiltrate local an
          vacuum system under the skin flap before skin suturing.  esthetic
                                                              •  Perform liposuction of jowl
          LIP AND EARLOBE REDUCTION                           •  Incise and elevate pre‑and post‑auricular flaps and connect
                                                              •  Perform lateral SMAS ectomy
          Whereas a turkey gobbler neck and lower eyelid bags   •  Weave suspension sutures into the nasolabial fold, jowl
          are  spotted  quickly and addressed  with  blepharoplasty   area and platysma
          and liposuction, long upper lips and earlobes are often   •  Fixate platysma to the substernomastoid region with a
          overlooked.  A long upper lip (and low lower lip) expose   2‑0 PDS suture, followed by over‑suturing with 4‑0 Vicryl
          the  lower teeth  when smiling,  a typical sign  of aging.   suture
          Pendulous earlobes can result from wearing heavy jewelry   •  Knot  the  remaining  suspension  sutures  onto  the
          over many decades.
                                                                 temporoparotid fascia, as described by Lore [23]
          Upper lip reduction and nasal tip lift are  accomplished   •  Mark and excise of excess skin in the preauricular region
          by a modification  of the “double duck” procedure,    •  Trim pretragal subcutaneous sutures, and place high
          which  is  a  modification  of Austin   sub‑nasal  buffalo   suspension suture to shape the pretragal fovea and drape
          horn  excision.  This  procedure  involves  a  sub‑alar   the skin
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