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and the superficial fascia whereas the deep fat occupies   Calipers (series‑sc02, Guilin Gunglv measuring instrument
          the area between the superficial fascia and the muscles.   Co. Ltd., Guilin, China); and the average readings of 3 larger
          Superficial layer is richly vascularized and results in cellulite   lobules was calculated for further analysis.
          formation when it is hypertrophied. The deep layer of fat is   Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 15
          called localized fat deposit (LFD) when it is hypertrophied.   package  (SPSS,  IBM  Company).  Data were  expressed
          LFD  is excessive  bulge  producing contour  deformity  of
          the region.  The subcutaneous fat deposits in the lower   as mean  ±  standard deviation (SD) and 95%  confidence
          abdomen  (LA) do not get absorbed easily by  dieting and   interval. Paired sample  t‑test  was applied for comparing
          exercise, compared to the upper abdomen (UA).       UA and LA parameters in each sex. Independent sample
                                                              t‑test was applied for comparing the parameters between
          The present  study was carried to find the  difference in   males and females. In addition, Pearson’s correlation test
          morphology of subcutaneous fat lobules, as an initial step   was applied to correlate the parameters of the upper and
          to explore the different re‑absorption pattern of deposited   LA. P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
          fat different location of abdomen and different gender.
                                                              There was a difference in the color, shape, size,  and
          This study included 40 fresh  (within 6‑10  h after death)   arrangement  of the  fat lobules at different  locations.
          adult cadavers  (33  males and 7  females) of age varied   Subcutaneous fat of the  UA was dark yellowish in color
          between 18 and 70 years collected from the Department   whereas LA subcutaneous fat was yellowish in color, and
          of Forensic Medicine,  Kasturba Medical College,  Manipal.   deeper fat lobules were pale yellow [Figure 2].
          All cadavers (<10 h after death) of body mass index more
          than 19.5 were included in this study. None of the cases   The fat lobules from the superficial layer were elongated
          had lipodistrophies  or any kind of hormonal imbalance   and arranged perpendicular  to the skin. The fat lobules
          that causes abnormal fat accumulation.              from deeper layers of UA were rounded in shape whereas
                                                              the  fat lobules from  LA were  elongated and arranged
          This study was approved by the Institutional  Human   perpendicular  to the skin. Most dependent  (lowest  in
          Ethics Committee (IEC 111/2009).
                                                              standing  position) lobules  were  larger  in  size  (both  in
          Data collection                                     height and width).
          Samples  of  the  subcutaneous  fat  lobules  were  collected   Height (P = 0.042) and width (P = 0.008) of deep fat of LA
          from  UA  (3  cm  above  the  umbilicus)  and  LA  (3  cm  below   were significantly  more than UA in males  [Table  1] while
          the umbilicus) at the mid‑clavicular line. The shape,   the height of superficial fat (P = 0.016)  was significantly
          arrangement, and color of the superficial and deep   more in LA than the UA in females [Table 2].
          subcutaneous fat lobules were observed and recorded. The
          larger fat lobules (in width and height) in the region under   Independent sample  t‑test  was applied to compare the
          study were identified, and  their height and  width were   means of width and height of fat lobules‑in males and
          noted. The maximum distance between the upper and lower   females. The height of deep fat of UA  (P  =  0.018)  and
          end of the fat lobule was considered as the height while   width of deep fat of LA  (P  =  0.020)  were significantly
          the maximum distance between the anterior and posterior   larger in females than males.
          part  of  the  lobule  was  considered  as  the  width  [Figure  1].
          The readings of maximum height and width  were taken at   Pearson correlation between height (r = 0.403, P = 0.010)
          the accuracy of 10 μm using metal casing Electronic Digital   and width (r = 0.585, P < 0.01) of the superficial fat of

          Figure  1:  The schematic representation of the measurements  of a fat   Figure  2:  The subcutaneous fat of upper and lower abdomen.
          lobule. Height (Ht): the maximum distance between the upper and lower   Subcutaneous  fat  of  the  UA was  dark yellowish  in  color whereas  in
          end of the fat lobule; Width (Wt): the maximum  distance between  the   the LA, subcutaneous fat was yellowish in color. UA: Upper  abdomen,
          anterior and posterior part of the lobule           LA: Lower abdomen
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