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Topic: Current Concepts in Wound Healing

          Acellular micronized extracellular matrix

          and occlusive dressings for open fingertip


          Stephanie E. Dreifuss , Ronit Wollstein , Stephen F. Badylak , Peter J. Rubin           1
          1 Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA.
          2 Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Technion Medical School, Haifa 3200003, Israel.
          Address for correspondence:  Prof. Ronit Wollstein, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
          PA 15261, USA. E‑mail:

          Sir,                                                only, pulp and nail bed, or pulp, nail bed, and distal
                                                              phalanx. All patients  in the series  were followed  until
          Fingertip  amputation injuries  compromise  the  sensation,
          function, and appearance  of the hand. They are often   complete wound healing,  which occurred within  an
          exquisitely  painful and take a substantial amount of   average of 7 weeks.
          time  to  heal,  causing  significant  functional disability.   The wound care regimen for all patients involved removal
          Conservative management  of these  injuries  may  result in   of dressings,  gentle  sterile  saline rinse,  application
          decreased range of motion, hypo‑ or hyperesthesia,  loss   of additional P‑ECM powder, and redressing with
          of pulp contour, scarring, and other long‑term sequelae. [1,2]    nonadherent petrolatum gauze and cotton gauze fingertip
          In addition, they may prolong patient discomfort with   bandage. The P‑ECM  was not completely removed with
          dressing  changes, hindering adherence with wound   each dressing change but allowed to form a crystallized
          therapy regimens, especially in the presence of multiple   layer over the wound.
          finger injuries.
                                                              All patients rated the comfort of P‑ECM  treatment  as
          Both acellular and cellular bioscaffolds have  been   5 on  a  5‑point scale,  citing  a  soothing  effect  upon
          employed in conjunction with wound dressing techniques.   changing dressings. Ease of use was rated as 4.2 out
          These biologically active materials supply extracellular   of 5 for patients who had another individual apply the
          matrix proteins, deliver growth factors, and  recruit   treatment,  while patients commented  on the difficulty of
          differentiated cells to the wound site. [3,4]  Furthermore, they   independently treating and dressing their own fingertip
          aim to address the issue of pain associated with debriding   wounds. Moreover, patients reported satisfaction with the
          dressings.  The efficacy of cellular materials is limited  by   appearance and function of their fingertips in comparison
          their  reduced shelf  life,  risk  of  the  immune  response,   with normal digits. All patients noted a subjective recovery
          increased regulation and high cost. Acellular materials,   of pressure sensation,  the  light touch, and temperature
          however, do not face these limitations.             sensation,  comparable to their  uninjured digits.  There
                                                              were  no  complications  associated with  the  use  of P‑ECM
          We present a series of 8 patients (6 males and 2 females,   in our series.
          average age: 40.8 ± 18.8 years) with fingertip amputations
          treated  with  Particulate  Extracellular  Matrix,  or  The  P‑ECM  powder  has  an  advantage  of  being
          P‑ECM (ACell Inc., Columbia, MD), an acellular, sterile,   applied every other day. Furthermore, application and
          porcine‑derived, naturally occurring, lyophilized and   maintenance are simple and comfortable for patients.
          extracellular matrix material. There were 11  fingers
          treated.  Injuries in  these  patients  involved fingertip  pulp
                                                              This  is  an  open  access  article  distributed  under  the  terms  of  the  Creative
                                                              Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
                         Access this article online           others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the
                                                              author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
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                                   Website:                   For reprints contact:
                                                               How to cite this article: Dreifuss SE, Wollstein R, Badylak SF,
                                                               Rubin PJ. Acellular micronized extracellular matrix and occlusive
                                   DOI:                        dressings for open fingertip injuries. Plast Aesthet Res 2015;2:282-3.
                                                               Received: 23-11-2014; Accepted: 03-01-2015

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