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Table 1: Summary of Group 1 patients
           Age    Gender  Etiology and site               Size   Total duration for   Total   Method   Total duration
           (years)                                        (cm )  tissue culture to   number of  of healing  of wound
                                                                become negative   sessions           healing (in
                                                                    after JFT     of JFT               weeks)
           70     Male   Postinfective (cellulitis) raw area left ankle  7 × 6.5  2  4     JFT only      4
           42     Male   Posttraumatic ulcer right heel   7 × 6        2            2      JFT only      4
           75     Female  Sacral pressure sore (grade 3)  5 × 7        2            3      JFT only      5
           61     Male   Diabetic foot ulcer              4 × 4        2            4      JFT only      3
           60     Male   Posttraumatic raw area right leg  4 × 4       2            4      JFT only      2
           23     Male   Sacral pressure sore (grade 4)  15 × 10       3            5      JFT only      6
           JFT: Jet force technology

          Table 2: Summary of Group 2 patients
           Age    Gender  Etiology and site          Size   Total duration for   Total   Method of   Total duration
           (years)                                   (cm )  tissue culture to   number of  healing (JFT +   of wound
                                                            become negative   sessions   SSG/flap)    healing
                                                               after JFT     of JFT                  (in weeks)
           36     Male   Posttraumatic raw area left foot   15 × 10  3         8      JFT + SSG          3
                         with osteomyelitis
           52     Female  Diabetic foot ulcer        3 × 3        1            2      JFT + flap         2
           65     Male   Post pacemaker implant infected   4 × 3  2            4      JFT + flap         3
                         nonhealing ulcer left chest wall
           47     Female  Diabetic foot ulcer        5 × 4        3            7      JFT + flap         4
           45     Male   Posttraumatic raw area left forearm  12 × 5  3        4      JFT + SSG          2
           32     Male   Postelectric burn raw area  8 × 7        3            6      JFT + SSG          3
           72     Male   Trophic ulcer right heel    3 × 2        1            2      JFT + SSG          2
           31     Female  Nonhealing varicose ulcer left ankle  15 × 7  3      5      JFT + SSG          5
           54     Male   Nonhealing diabetic ulcer left leg  3 × 2  2          3      JFT + SSG          2
           24     Male   Ischial pressure sore Grade 4  5 × 5     2            3      JFT + flap         4
           48     Female  Carcinoma left buccal mucosa   20 × 10  3            6      JFT + flap         5
                         postfailed free alt and PMMC flap
                         with orocutaneous fistula
           52     Male   Sacral pressure sore Grade 4  10 × 8     2            5      JFT + SSG          4
           JFT: Jet force technology, SSG: Split skin graft, PMMC: Pectoralis major myocutaneous
                                                              duration of time.  Local  wound infection and foreign
                                                              bodies  affect healing  by  prolonging  the  inflammatory
                                                              phase. If the  bacterial count in  the  wound exceeds
                                                              10  organisms per gram of tissue or if beta‑hemolytic
                                                              Streptococcus  is  present,  the  wound will not  heal by  any
                                                              means,  including  flap coverage,  skin  grafting,  or primary
                                                              suturing.   The  common  terms  used  to describe  the
                                                              processes used to remove  factors detrimental  to wound
                                                              healing are “cleansing” and “debridement”.  Cleansing
                                                              describes the process in which fluid is utilized to remove
                                                              cellular  debris and residue from the wound surface or
                                                              exudate or wound care products.  Debridement  refers
                                                              to the application of mechanical force or chemicals to
                                                              remove any adherent particles from a wound. [9]
          Figure 3: At admission                              Wound cleansing is an integral part of the management
                                                              of acute traumatic wounds as well as chronic wounds.
          DISCUSSION                                          Hydrotherapy is one of the oldest adjuvant therapies still
                                                              in use today. Hydrotherapy is the use of water or saline
          The healing of any wound proceeds through the following   under pressure to mechanically remove microscopic
          phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and tissue   debris and bacteria. There are two types of hydrotherapy
          remodeling or resolution. The end result of wound healing   commonly  practiced, whirlpool and pulsed lavage
          is determined by the interplay of these functions in a   therapy. Whirlpool  therapy supports  wound healing by
          proper sequence at an appropriate intensity for a specified   debriding the wound, warming the injured extremity,

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