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12  h for 3  days and finally 50  mg hydrocortisone every   shock and unresponsive to fluids and vasopressor
          24 h for 3 days)  or placebo groups. The results indicated   administration.
          no  significant  difference  in  mortality  between  treatment   Review of the literature indicates the need to conduct
          and the placebo group. But shock reversal was achieved   carefully planned clinical trials to resolve controversies
          more quickly in treatment group compared to the placebo   and to provide a more reliable result. [13]
          group, regardless of the adrenal function (P  =  0.001).
          However, the proportion of patients, in whom shock   Financial support and sponsorship
          reversal was achieved, was similar between the 2 groups.   Nil.
          There was also evidence of increased risk of superinfection
          in treatment group  (combined odds ratio: 1.37; 95%   Conflicts of interest
          confidence interval: 1.05‑1.79). The strength of the study   There are no conflicts of interest.
          was its large sample size, randomization and power of
          study was 80%. The limitation of this study is that the   REFERENCES
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