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axons regenerating into the graft and reinnervating the   CURRENT SURGICAL STRATEGIES FOR
          transplanted muscle  and skin,  so  as  to  establish  motor   NERVE REPAIR AND REGENERATION
          control and receive  sensory input.  Nerve damage
          is  inevitable  in  the  process  of  transplantation,  from   Surgical coaptation (tension‑free repair)
          peripheral axonal  degeneration  occurring from  the   Because  additional  nerve  length  can  usually  be
          time  of organ harvest to surgical reconnection of the   harvested from the donor, tension‑free direct
          donor tissue  to the host. Host cortical reorganization   end‑to‑end neurrorraphy of recipient and donor nerve
          plays a paramountrole in the restoration of function, as   stumps can typically be achieved. Nerve coaptations
          the lack of sensory input from the injured or missing   have been and are still widely used for various
          body  region  results  in  aberrant  cortical response  to   procedures in reconstruction, peripheral nerve injury
          restoration of sensory input from,  and motor output to,   repair, and in VCA. Opening of the donor nerve
          the  newly  innervated tissue  following  prolonged periods   perineurium and induction of deliberate nerve injury
          of denervation.   Peripheral  nerve  regeneration  is  a  slow   during end‑to‑side coaptation has been shown to
          process,  occurring at  1‑3  mm/day,  partly depending on   increase  the  regeneration  of  axons from  the  host  into
          the microenvironment surrounding axonal sprouts and the   donor axons.  In the context of facial transplants,
          caliber of the nerve. [4]                           tension‑free nerve coaptations have been shown to
          Thus, there exists a need for more effective and consistent   have the most predictable and reliable results in
          strategies  for nerve regeneration in VCA. This area is   nerve reconstruction.  Performing the neurotomy in
          a popular  field of study in the context of peripheral   the epineurial  vs. perineurial layer has not yielded a
          neuropathy repair, but  the VCA context provides unique   definitive determination of which procedure yields the
          challenges in the necessity  for immunosuppression   best postoperative functional results. [9]
          and the circumstances in which the transplantation is   Nerve transfers are another method by which healthy
          performed.                                          axons that  traditionally  serve  one area  can be  rerouted
                                                              and coapted  to provide sensory and motor function
          PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF NERVE                            to another. However, the clinical applicability of this
          DAMAGE AND REGENERATION                             procedure is untested in VCAs, in the context of the
                                                              cortical somatosensory reorganization of these redirected
          Following transplantation, axons within the graft undergo   sensory and motor domains. [10]
          Wallerian degeneration. Originally thought to be mediated   Nerve autograft
          by  impaired transport of nutrients  to  distal  axonal   Nerve autografting is a surgical procedure that allows
          segments  and subsequent  death,  Wallerian degeneration   for repair of relatively long lesion gaps with the patient’s
          is now considered a product of a self‑destruct program   own tissues when nerve coaptation cannot be performed
          distinct from that of apoptosis. [5]
                                                              without  excess  tension  on the  nerve  stumps.  Although
          Although Wallerian degeneration ultimately  claims axons   the  graft can provide the scaffold for regrowth with
          distal to the site  of organ harvest,  the  reorganization  of   Schwann cells  and neurotrophic  factors, there is obvious
          Schwann cells and macrophages  around the  dying  axons   secondary morbidity associated with graft harvest. Nerve
          fosters an environment that favors axonal regeneration.   autografting has primarily been used in a variety of
          However, in the context of VCA, this process is affected   clinical scenarios requiring nerve repair.  Since allografts
          by  the  presence  of widespread axonal damage  and by   from donor nerve tissue can be supplemented to the
          the  need for a balance between immunosuppression  and   existing composite transplantation without any additional
          tissue rejection.                                   immunosuppressive burden, nerve autografts have limited
                                                              use  in  the  context  of VCA.  In  addition, challenges in
          Due to the transplantation process, all cellular  nerve   large‑caliber  nerve revascularization  and limited  capacity
          components distal to  the  transection  point are  derived   for diffusion‑mediated perfusion  of such nerves  must  be
          from donor populations. Regeneration of host peripheral   taken into consideration. [12]
          nerves  requires  host‑derived  Schwann cells to  populate
          the distal stump, which in turn requires proliferative and   Nerve allograft
          migration  signals.  Induction of these  signals  seems  to   While autografts are considered ideal in the case of
          require  partial rejection  of  the  VCA  to  eliminate  donor   peripheral nerve damage since these grafts do not face
          Schwann cells.  Thus, immunosuppression  regimens   any immunological mismatch, such is not the case in
          should be  carefully determined to provide optimal   nerve allografts. However, the primary benefit of this
          nerve  regeneration  through  optimal host Schwann   latter method is that the secondary morbidity associated
          cell proliferation  and migration  while  avoiding  greater   with autograft harvesting, such as sensory loss and
          tissue  injury during the controlled rejection  process.   scarring,  is  avoided.   When  performed  in  the  context
          The  complete  lack of a  rejection  period may  potentially   of VCA, where immunosuppression is already used to
          block  host Schwann cell  migration, leading to impaired   avoid rejection of the primary tissue, use of additional
          peripheral nerve growth. If rejection leads to rapid donor   nerve  allografts  from  the  cadaveric  source  of  the  VCA
          Schwann cell death, unsupported  endoneurium may    tissue to ensure tension‑free nerve coaptation does not
          degenerate, blocking further regeneration. [6]      add  new  immunological  consequences.  Furthermore,

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