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to 540°, repeating several times the position of the hands   curve  to  that  of  an  organist.  The  assistant  operational
          in the handles of the surgeon’s console. The recovery   function remains to be defined.
          of  the  hand position  could be  avoided by  magnifying
          pronosupination in the way of a power steering  system   Endoscopic manual work
          in cars. Assuming  a magnification of 1/3, an operator   Endoscopic  microsurgery  requires  not  only  the
          performing  a  pronosupination  of  180°, could perform   introduction of a camera into a natural or artificial
          a pronosupination of 540°  in 1  time.  Considering the   biological cavity,  but  also requires  the  introduction
          prospects, the completion time of a vascular anastomosis   of  appropriate  instruments  to  repair  damaged  tissue.
          could  be easily decreased by performing one unique   Conventional microsurgical instruments  are not suitable
          movement with the needle going from one vessel wall   for endoscopy.  However,  the  instrumental  arms  of the
          to the other without having to repeat the movement,   DaVinci   robot,  having  a  length  of 50  cm,  are  equipped
          especially in deep surgical fields or hard to access  as in   at their termination with a miniature wrist or EndoWrist
          the  repair  of the  collateral ulnar artery  during  thumb   that allows the introduction of instruments by a minimally
          replantation.                                       invasive approach and which goes straight to the surgical
                                                              target, as if a miniaturized operator’s wrist could directly
          Magnification  of  the  manual  force  feedback     penetrate inside  the body. The disadvantage remains
          sensation                                           of having performed four converging approaches.
          The absence of force feedback or haptic sensation is often   Considering the prospects, the “single port” with a
          criticized in robotic surgery practiced with the DaVinci    miniaturized 3D endoscope  equipped with instruments
          robot. In reality, the force feedback does not exist  in   passing through the same  flexible tube,  seems  to be an
          conventional microsurgery. Some authors have shown that   interesting research pathway.
          the tightening sensation of a node with a 10/0  nylon is
          perceived by  a minority  of individuals.  In  practice, the   Augmented ergonomics
          haptic sensation in conventional microsurgery is obtained   Microsurgery is time‑consuming. Interventions are long
          indirectly by  visualization  of the  deformity  of the  soft   and the fatigue of the surgeon is a deleterious factor. Any
          tissues in which it has acquired experience in conventional   factor  that can improve the comfort of the surgeon can
          procedures  where  the  operator  directly  manipulates  the   improve the  quality  of the  intervention.  In  conventional
          instruments.  Unlike the DaVinci  robot, the  Amadeus    microsurgery,  the  gaze  direction  of the  operator does
          robot is equipped with a device for haptic sensation, but   not follow  a direct line between the surgeon’s eye
          its marketing is still confidential. The Mimic  simulator   and his  target.  The  image  undergoes  deflections. The
          solely dedicated to training  in  robotic surgery  is  also   consequence is that the hand‑eye‑head coordination
          equipped with a device for haptic sensation. Considering   is disrupted. The position of the head corresponds to
          the prospects, if the force feedback is not currently used   a target distant to the actual target. To maintain this
          in conventional microsurgery and telemicrosurgery, it is   position, the contraction  of the muscles of the neck
          not inconceivable that its magnification becomes a capital   does not match that of the  actual target  and can cause
          property,  especially in  supermicrosurgery  in  order to   eyestrain  and muscle fatigue. In telemicrosurgery, the
          perform vascular, lymphatic, and nerve anastomoses that   gaze direction of the operator follows a direct line to
          are currently inaccessible because of their small size.  his hands and the target. Paradoxically, although the
                                                              surgical console  is  not in  contact with  the  patient,
          Multi‑manual work                                   the position of the operator’s head and hand is more
          A surgeon uses both hands to work, but an organist also   ergonomic  than in  conventional microsurgical where  the
          uses  his feet.  If the  DaVinci  robot has 3 instrumental   operator’s hands are in direct contact with the patient. In
          arms, the same operator can only handle 2 simultaneously,   conventional microsurgery, the operative field is cluttered
          even in the latest versions of the robot. The third arm   by the hands of the operator and his assistant. This can
          is  like  the  hand of an assistant,  the  operator places for   increase  fatigue  as  the  surgeon  may  have to operate in
          example to place a retractor. In microsurgery, certain   uncomfortable positions. In contrast, the operating field
          delicate gestures  are  performed.  The  advantage of   in telemicrosurgery is cleared, thanks to the instrumental
          the DaVinci  robot is that the third arm,  unlike that of   arm length, the fineness of the EndoWrist , and especially
          an assistant,  does not tremble  nor changes position.   the absence of the operator’s hands.
          Considering the prospects, the theoretical possibility  to
          use  more  than 2 instrumental arms  simultaneously  and   Remote working
          by the same operator is not to be immediately eliminated   Conventional microsurgery requires direct contact between
          on the  pretext  that  surgeons  have  only used 2 of their   the patient and the surgeon. This proximity seems logical,
          hands till now. In fact, unconsciously, surgeons are already   but  it  is  not  always possible,  especially when  a highly
          using  their  feet to activate an electrocoagulation pedal,   specialized technical gesture is required, and no specialist
          an arthroscopic  shaver or a fluoroscope. Admittedly the   surgeon is available. It is clear that at present the use of
          foot is only to activate an instrument  used by hand, but   a remote expert is not current practice, but considering
          it is not impossible to imagine  that the order of 1 or 2   the prospects, in the future in the middle of a procedure
          instrumental  arms  could be  confided independently  to   requiring a very specific gesture, it may be interesting to
          one or two feet of a same operator. The acquisition of the   call on a remote  expert who could take control of the
          independence of feet will require an equivalent  learning   robot and perform a very specific task.

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